Ordinance 357 - Amends Traffic RegulationsORDINANCE NO. 357. AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTION EIGHT OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC ON, RESTRICTING AND LIMIT- ING THE USEOF IN, CERTAIN CASES AND EMPOWERING THE MAYOR BY PROICLP21ATION TO REGULATE OR PROHIBIT TRAFFIC.' IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ON, ANY OF THE STREET-SP AVSNUES1 ALIXYS AND PUBLIC WAYS OF THE CITY, REGULATING THE OPERATION OF�ZOTOR VEHICI;ES', PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE THIS ORDINANCE AND FOR THE VIOLATIONOF THE PROVISONSOF PROVISIONS OFIANY, PROCLAMATION ISSUED BY THE MAYOR UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND DECLARING AN BIDMGENCY PASSED AND APPROVED JUNE 4th, 1917. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPEILL:: Section 1. That section eight of an ordinanc'e of the City of �alispell entitled, "AN ORDINANCE regulating traffic on, restricting and limiting the use of in certain cases and empowering the Mayor by proclam- ation to regulate or prohibit traffic, in whole of in part, on, any of the streets, avenues., alleys and public ways of the City, regulating the oper- ation of motor vehicles, providing penalties for the violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance and for the violation of the provisions of any proclamation issued by -the Mayor under the provisions of this ordinance and declaring an emergency", passed and approved June 4th, 1917, be amend�*, ed to read as"follows: Section 8. No motor vehicle shall be driven on any street at a great- er rate of speed than fifteen miles per hour or on any cross walk or street intersection at a greater speed than ten miles per hour or on any street jabutting any school grounds at a greater speed than eight miles per hour. -No horse shall be ridden or driven on any street at a greater rate of speed than ten miles per hour or on any cross walk or street intersection or on a streetabutting any school grounds at a greater speed than four miles per .hour. Section 2. The provisions of all ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. W Section. 3, This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its passage and approval. Passed by the City Council April 5th, 1920. Approved by the Mayor A pril 5th, 1920, R. Pauline,, Mayor, 1J. H. Christensen, City Clerk. State of Montana County of Flathead SS. City of Kalispell I, Z. H. Christensen, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that on the 6th day of April, 1920, 1 posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance, Number 356 in my office, and that the same remained posted for a period of five days thereafter, and the foregoing record is a true copy of the ordinance as 'passed by the Council. Witness my hand this the 12th day of April, 1920. Gi Y er