Ordinance 355 - Regulating Sidewalk CrossingsORDINANCE NO. 355 AN ORDINANCE. REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF CROSSINGS IN SIDEWALKS INZHE CITY OF KA14 ispell. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL: Section 1. Any person who shall construct or attempt to con- struct any crossing in any aidewalk abutting any premises in the, city. of, Kalispell without first olt--dning permission for the construction of'such crossing from the City QcjUbcil and. any person in the controlofany prem- ises where there has been or,shall,be a crossing constructed in anyside- walk abutting such premises without the permission of the City Council first having been obtained who phall use any such crossing for a vehiclect invite,another to Bo use it shall commit the. offense of obstructing a sidewalk, and upon conviction thereof,,,shall be punished by a fine of not. exceeding,thteO.­HUndred dollar's or by imprisonment of not exceeding thir- 1v days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section,2., This Ordinance is hereby declard to be an emergency or- dinance and its going into immediate effect necessary for the preservat- ion of safety. Section 3. The provisions of all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and approval. Passed by the City Council March 18tho 1920. 1 Approved by the Mayor March l8th, 1920. R. Pauline,, Mayor, J. H. Christensen City Clerk.