Ordinance 317 - Certain Premises a Menace to Public HealthORDINANCE No 317
AN ORDINANCE relating to premises being in such a con-
dition as to be a menace to public health and decalring
such a condition to be a public nuisance, providing p4n-
alties for the enforcement there of and providing for the
abatement of such a nuisance by the City and the enforce
went of the cost thereof against the premises.
BE IT ORDAINED By the City Council of the City of Kalispell:
Section 1. No premises within the corporate limits of
the City of Kalispell shall be allowed to remain in such
a condition, as to filth or otherwise, as to be a menace
to public health, and any such condition is hereby declared
to be a public nuisance.
Section 2. Any person permitting any premises with in the
City of Kalispell, occupied by him or under his control,
to be in the condition defined in section one of this ordi-
nance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a
fine of not less than Five Dollars or more than Three Hun-
dred Dollars.
Section 3. The City Council shall have power to have any
nuisance, as specified in section one of this ordinRce,
abated in such a manner as the Council shall determine and
the cost thereof shall be a lien upon the premises to be
enforced by civil action brought in the name of the City.
Section 4. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an
Emergency Measure and its going into iirimediate effect nec-
essary for the preservation of the public health.
Section• The rpovisions of all oridnances in conflict
with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 6.' This ordinance shrill take effect upon its
passage and approval.
Passed by the City Council March 22nd, 1915.
Approved y the llayor}Mlarch 22nd, 1911.
Atte�t.. • .. ..... Mayor
City Clerk.
State of Montana
City of Kalispell Ss
I. R. B. Rollins, City Clerk of the Citv of
Kalispell, do hereby certify that on the�-2 -:rday of-±-=-�-C�1915
I posted a- copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office and that the
same remained posted for a period of five days there after, and that
the foregoing record is a true copy of the ordinance as passed by the
Witness my hand thisj..�day of
Citer Clerk.