Ordinance 425 - Repeals Ord 422 - Annual AppropriationsC;tUIfd( JC„ Ii;.'j. i. �1Iv 0. 422, D ::P- PROV';D 3Y THE CITY COUT.CIL AlI'D THE OF F>dLTCPELLL, I 01'rTAIJA oh THE 21st :i; ' OF ..L',i?Ci:, 1930. BF. IT 07D. h.' D -,. ,i J `-, T, 0 F : s C `�Y ? .i = __ cITT c .c' : r _ I_ _ i;PLL: Section 1. Tl:at Ordinance '.n. 422 of t`_.e city of 1-alispnil, L'ontana, passed '- the City Council and approved b, the i_ator on the 21st day of arcb., 1 .°J, `.e_ n-7 the amo3al e,-n iaTion ordinance for the fi_sesl_1 , 'lr of 1330, and '_'ixin:- co7_lnen,;-t1on of the cit - of='.icers, sn6 t'_ -a sa:ce 'i—in- 'x:_n passes prior to the ti io specified ')y t .e law, shall be and the sa_-ie hereby is repealed. Section T-iis ordinance shall be in full force a) -id effect thirty d::lys froia and after its paasr;`e and approval. Passea by the Cit- Council of the cite of Kalispell, Montana, this 7t7 da, of ,.rril, approved ')Y t`le ;.'.-.,,nor of tt_e city of Kalispell, i_on'�ana, this 7th dais of �ipril,30. -. P. 3r�.cl:hauser, --a-,or. �Ittest, t'. Tr'ekell, Cit.- State of i.;ontana COUt7 of 'lathe-adn City of 7-alispel.l ) 39 I, C. C. Trekell, Ji r ,f -_.a "it; of t.alispell, t.;ontana, do T erebj' certf -, at On file 1D30, I posted a copy of 'L— fore_ sin- Ordinance in m,% office and !,hat t:-e sane posted for a period of fiv;: days t�Piereafter, a_2d that t ,e above is a full cop -- of the ,said Ordinance as passed -a tae Citv Counc4_1. Dated t its 26tti of Ipril, �f �� e/ City Cler...