Ordinance 407 - Repeals Portions of Ord 368276 OIIDIIiANCE ITO 407. An ORDINI,NCE repealin; Sections 265 to 268 inclusive Section 326 and Section 474 of Ordinance 170 36c,known as the devised Ordinances of the City of Kalispell of 1922,paesed April 3rd, 1922. BE IT ORDAIYED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF KALISPELL: SECTION 1. That Sections 265 tb 268',inclusive, Section 326 and Section 474 of Ordinance No. 36v known as the revised Ordinances of the City of Kz.lis- pell of 1922 passed I,pril 3, 1922, be and the samd. are hereby repealed SECTION 2. 11 ordinances and parts cf ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Si'CTIOS. 1. This ordinance sk}all take effect thirty days after its passage and approval. Passed this 3rd day of October, 1927 4proved this 3rd day of Qptober, 1927 Pauline, Mayor. Attest, C. L. Trekell, Uity Clerk State of hlontanE4 ' County of F'lkthead (SS City of Kalispell ) I. 0. E. Trekell, Clerk of the City of' Kal- ispell,do hereby certify that of the 5th day of Oct. 1927 I posted a copy of the above ordinance and that it remained posted for aporiod of five d.ys. , and that the above is a full copy of the same. City Clerk.