Ordinance 405 - Creating Sewer Districts274 08DIN2aTCE NO. 405. AN ORDININCE,providino for the creation of Sewer Districts,the payment of costs and expenses incident thereto,and matters of proceedure, amending Section 242 and repealing Sections 243 to 254,inclusive , of Ordinance o. 368,anown as the heviced Ordinances of the City of Kalispell Montana, of 1922. BE Ii' lJRDAII» D - Z THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'i'1-1E CITY 01- I ALISIFTLL SECTION 1. Sewer districts shall be created as provided by the Political code of the State of Yontana,and all costs and expenses incurred in making improvements in the construction of sewers shall be paid and the costs assess- ed in the manner provided in the said Political Codeand the form of warrants and all matters of procedure shall be as prescribed in the said political code. SECTION 2. That Section 24a of Ordinance 1•!o. 366, known as the i.evised Ordinances of the City of ialispell of 1922,passed .°ipril 3rd, 1922 be,and thesame is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 242. L district sewer is hereby defined to be a sewer that serves as a drain for a limited �..rea and not a benifit or a drain for the entire City. District seviers may be established and constructed witilin the limits of districts prescribed by law and so as to connect with the public sewer or some course of drainage." SECTION 3. That sections 243 to 254,inclusive, of Ordinance No. 363, known as the l,evised Ordinances of the City of Kalispell of 1922,passed April 31d, 1922,be and tine same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. All other prdinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its passuoe and approv 1. Passed this 3th day of October, 1927 Approved this 3rd, day of October 1927. P. Pauline, Mayor. r-ttest C. E. Trekell, City Clerk. State of Lontaria ( . Oounty of Flathead)SS City of Kalispell I, C. E. Trekell, Clerk of tine City of iLaliepell, L'ontana, do nereby ce.rtmfy that .:.copy of tine aoove Ordinance was posted in my office on the jt11 d�.y of October, 1927and remained posted for a period of five days, and teat the forgoin is sa full and exact copy of the same. woitness my hand this 20th day of December, 1927. i� (o • P4w-6e,F/ City Clerk..