Ordinance 404 - Curbs and Curbing273
AN O:DIN%.C,amendin Section 343 and repealing
Section 344 off Ordinance No. 366,kriown as the Revised Ordin-
ances of the City of Kalispell, ntana of 1922,relating to
' Curbs and Curbing.
Section 1. That Section 3,53 of Ordinance No. 366
known as the Devised Ordinances of the City of !L41istpll of
1922,passed April 3rd, 1922,be and the same is hereby amended
to read as follows;
"SBCTIOi; 343. _,11 curbs or curbing constructed or placed
on the line of any street or avenue within the City of Kalis-
pell shall be of concrete;such curbing to be constructed
according to the plans of specifications in the office of
the City Engineer,in the City of Kalispell, provided, however,
that with the content of the City Council,the City engineer
' may give a permit,aut.,iorizinl- the construction of temporary
wooden curbs is outlyin; portions of the City. ';;hen any curb
noi+ i_i existence shall be removed o, reoaired,t-ae same shall
be done in compliance of the terms hereof."
Section 2. That Section 344 of Ordinance No. 366,
known as the Revised Ordinances of the City of-w.lispell of
1922,pr,,ssed April 3, 1922,be,und the same is hereby repealed...
Section 3. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days
after its passage and approval.
Passed this 3rd day of October, 1927
.p_aroved this 3rd dyty of October, 1927.
Pauline, ..ayor.
Attest, C. Lil. Trekell, City Clerk.
State of 1iont:.n.
City of L,-lispell ) 30,
I, C. Treicell, Cleric of the Oity of
ialispell do hereby certify taat on tae 5th day of October I
posted a copy of tiie forgoing Ordinance No. 404 in my office
and t-na.t the same remained posted for a period of 5 days and
that the above is a full copy of thy, same,
Dated this 16th day of Oecembe- 1y27.
City Clerk.