Ordinance 402 - Creates Disability and Pension Fund - Fire Dept-11 27 ORDIITIICE NO. 402. ^:IT OR'DIIIAITCE, creating the Disability and 13ension r'und of the Fire Department i`.elief Association of the City of Kalispell, ITontana, and providinZ for the maintenance, ' manageruent and disbuidment of t.ie same aAnd repealiiio Sections 140 to 1406,iiiclusive,of Ordinance _vo.36c,knovrn as the hevised Ordinance of tiie City of Kalispell, i:ontana,of 1922. 3E IT O ..Ji:IIED 3Y TH:S CITY COL:14CIL 01 1 CITY 01 '.i.'�LISP:JLL: CECTIOiT 1.Tqaat there is hereby created arid esta.;lisned a fund in the City Treasury of the City of Kalispell, YontLna,to be knov,n as the Disability and Pension Fund of the Fire Department l.elief Association of tiie City of Kalispell, I`ontana. SECTION 2. The aforesaid fund shall be establishQd,u:aintained managed and paid out in the manner uiid as jirescr'i0ed by" ;ecti�ne 5117 to �123,inclusive, of the 'revised Codes of I:'ontena of 1921, us the swine have or may be Amended and all the provisions of the ' _"olitical Code of IvTontana vaicn may be c.pplicable, siial1 ovein as aforesaid. SECTION 3. Sections 1:0. 140 to 146 inclusive,of Ordiaance o 3uo,knoun a:: tiie '_revised ordinances of the City of iulispell of 1922 aiid passed ipril 3, 1)2- are nereby iepealdd. S,OTIO1, 4. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its pussaSe and approval. Pawed this 3-id du of ctoceu, lj�7 pproved this jr uay of Ictober 1927. Signed; i,. Pauline, Llayor Attest. C. E. Trekell, City Clerk. State of ;,ontana County of Flathead( SS "ity of Kulispell I, C. E. Tre'..ell, Clerk of the City of ' Kalispell, Llontana,dn o ereby certify that on the jtii day of October 1927, I posted i_._:; office a full copy of the forgoing Ordinance,No. 402;tliat the sa::e remained posted for a period of five days,and that the a ove is - true copy of tiie same. '+ itness my hand this lutii,da;,, of c. 1927 City Clerk.