Ordinance 401 - Plumbing257 OR'DINAIACE NO. 401. AN,0�0IIit:. iCEregulating plumbing and sewers e in the City of Iialsipell, Idontana,includii the repulution of house plumbing,eewer connections,connectio..:3 with the water system, cess pools, and 1.rovidin3; for the kind of materials to be used and the method of construction,and providing for the licensing of plumbers, inspection anu all methods of administration there- ' of,and repealing Aiticles 2, 3, & 4 of Chapter 11 of Ordinance Iv`o.-68,knowr, as the revised Ordinances of the City of Yulis- pell, Evntana,of 1922 and repealing Ordinance 170. 365, passed June lst, 1925• BE IT Or.D=.IiE:O 3`i' `IL CITY C07=;CI1 :"'F THE CITY OF K":LISFI,I,: SECTION 1. The City Engineer shall be ex-officio plumb- ing inspector and shall be iesponsiole for the enforcement of all plumbing riles and ie.-mlatioins as set out herein. SECTION. 2. Tne plumbing inspector shall be notified in ti9r'iting by the .erson doing v:oik when the entire vaoik is com- pleted and ready for inspection. The inspector shall inspect thesame within forty eight hocrs,not including Sundays or nelXidays,af'tes receipt of such notice,and if said work con- forms in all respects with tiie provisions of. thit ordinance ire shall aLtaeii a notice of approval. No soii_pipe, araitage i pipe or water connection shall be covered before approved by fire inspector. 3ECTIO-N 3. The inspector shall have the right, during reasonable hours to enter any building in discharge of his official duties,or for making any inspection or test. SECTIOI; 4. Before any plumbing work covered by this ' Ordinance may 'oe installed,altered or repaired,a permit shall be secured from the City Engineer. Applicatioi. for permits shall be made in writing upon the proper blanics for that purpose, stating tiie name of the owner, location and charac- ter of the work to oe preformed,and when required by the Engineer,plans in sufficient det-il shall be submitted and approved before the issue of a permit. SECTION 5. 3efore a permit for work is issued tine appli- cant shall pay the City Engineei `�2.00 for the first four fixtures,25r for each additional fixture �4nd '.y5.00 for each connection with a sanitary sewer. SECTION. 6. rrovided howevei,thut wiiei: it is desired to tap pr connect witii any water tiains, in addition to tine permit herein above provided for,w permit must be secured fro." the Superintendent of tine 'later Departme,.t. :applications for tine su.me shall be made at tiie office of trie "''eater Department by the owners of the property to be seived,or their legal "vents. Said.applicant shall state fully all purposes for which the water is required,and t_ie size and number of tiie taps or other outlets from which the v:ater is to be dr"wn and the number of the lot and block to which the water is to be taken and used and the strut from which it is uesired tiie service pipe shall be laid. 'Ouch arplicatio_: shall sh.w upon its face to"t the same is made and taken and accepted,suoject to any and all ruiea and regulations the.,, in force,oi to be made later for the government and control of the Water 'dorka System. SECTION 7. So connection shall be made with any sever or drains,and no work shall be done in connection with the city eater works by anyoneescet;t duely licensed and bonded plumbers,except duely -utiorizcd employees of the City acting under tiie orders and directions of tiie "ity Engineer or the Superintendent of the ;later ':"orks Depuitrnent,as tiie case r1"yr be. 258 SECTION 6. any person working at the business of plumbing in the City of Kalisp-ell, ',ntana,either as a Yastei plumber or a Journeyman plumber,shall first procure a license as is prescribed by Chapter 54 of the Political Codeicg the Codes of --iontana,1921,as the sane may be amended. „a d SECTION 9. A Board of Plumbing Examiners shall be appointed as is prescribed in Section 5165 of the Devised Codes of Eontana, of 1921, and whose duties shall be as there in provided and all matters of plumbers licenses, appli- cations therefore,examinations, fees, renewal of license i rules and regulations concerning apprentices,use of moneys paid az licenses fees,revoca3tion of licenses,quorurn ' of board of Axamineis and matters incident thereto shall be governed as prescribed by Chapter 54, of tide Political Uode, of the 'revised Codes of 'Zontana, of 1921,as the same may be amended, SLCTIOiJ 1C. No. permit shall be granted to any per- son,firm or corporation,or to any owner in fee of property v�here any plumbing work is to be done,until a bond shall have been filed with the CityClerk as follows,to-wit: Any person,firm or corporation engaged in the business of plumbing, drain laying,sewer construction, or the running of water pipes for household water supply, eithei from street mains or f3.om any other connection must file with the City Clerk a bond in the sum of One thousand (1000) dollars,conditioned upon the protection of the City of Kalispell against all loss or damage which may occur on account of such permit,or of the work to be done there underto any carelessness or negligence of such person or corporation,or of his or their emplayees. Said 3ond is to be in form approved by the City Attorney,and signed by two or more good and sufficient suietys,or a surety company authorized to do business in the State, of Yontana,to be approved by the City Attorney and the City Council. Upon the filin; and appiovalof paid bond,the said person,firm or corpoiatioil, shall . be entitled ' to any and all permits applied for during said year ending Decembei ?lst,of each year,without any further bond,and an additional bond must be filed each year there after. SECTION 11.-11++;FINITIO1i OF T I DTS. "Houuse Sewer" shall mean that portion of the drainage systeirwhich extends from the street sewer or other place of sewerage disposal,to a point eight feet outside the building wall. "House Drain" shall. mean the system of horizontal pii;ing inside of the basement of a buildin,,t.lat extends to and connects with the house sewer. "h ain Leader" shall mean any pipe cariyinr water from roofareas or surface. "Soil Stack" shall mean those pipes which receive the dizchargefrori water closets and uiinals,and may receive the discharge from other fixtures. Soil stacks connect with the house drain in the basement and extend above the roof. "Soil Pipe" shall mean the branches which connect closets and urinals with soil stacks. "Waste Stack" shall mean the pipes which receive ' the discharge from fixtures other than closets and urinals. waste stacks connect vita the house drain and extend above the roof. "Waste Pipe" shall mean pipes which connect an;7 fixtures other than closets or urinals with either a w+,ste stack or a soil stack. "Vent Stack" shall Jhean a ventilating pine that connects with a soil or waste stack below the lowest fix- ture and extends to a yoi:.t above tie highest fixture, where it connects with the stack orextends seperately thru the roof 259 "Vent Pipe" shall mean the pipe extemdin.r from the vent stack to the trap whic`n it ventilates. "Dwelling Houses" shall be held to mean and include any house used by one or more persons for houeekeepin„ and consisting of one or more rooms. "r.partment Houses",tenement house. or flat ", shall be held to mean any building contain¢aing two or more suites or combinations of rooms used for nousekeeping purposes. ' SECTIO14 12. Who May Tap Lain. No person other than an authorized employee of th,; 1,atei Works 3epartment,L.cting under tare ordeis.und directions of the Superintendent,shall tap or make any perforation or opening of any kind,in any water main,or any, service pipe from which water may be drawn. The 'rater "Department will furnish the corporation cock and inseit the same in the main,and charge as follows: Cast Iron Pipe inch 45.00 Cast Iron Pipe 1 inch 6.00 Kalamein ripe 41 inch 6.50 Kalamein Pipe 1 inch 7.50 Pipe 3 inch 4.00 Wood Pipe 1 inch 5.00 SECTIOiv 13. Service Pipes. 1L surface pipes must be laid at least four feet under the surface of the ground, lead pipes mmet be ustd on paved streets and of that quality designated as Extra Strong,to be not lees than three fourths of an inch pipe and in accordance with the folloving table. inch pipe, jz lbs per lineal foot. 1 a 43 " If n n 4 ij " 6 If 1 1 j,, n 7- 2 " n 10 Either lead or galvanized iron service pipe my be used at the option of the applicant o;,_streets not paved, subject" however,to any cityordinance regulating; tiie sai.ie. r'or"gal- vanized pipe there must be a lead connectnon between the corporation cock and the union with the iron pipe which shall not be le:s than two feet for -41 inch pipe and two and one halffeet for 1'inch pipe. In all cz;.ses ti.ese con- nections must be bent in"S"4 or other approved shape to allow for movement of the iron pipe,and in no case shall lead be soldered into the iron pipe. !ll lead connections to cor- porations cocks must be thoroughly blocked from, bottoer of trench to prevent settli S-ECTIOP: 14. Curb Dock. The curo cock to be used ir_ making all connections with the city rnairis,shall be the L:ueller :extra i,ound 7vay invei"teu hey "..:inneapoliz," Curl, Cock,oi such other make of curb cock as shall be approved by the Superintendent of the :..Ltel '.lorks,vrit r a "I'Linneapolis " curb bmx and shall be left securely protected,the cap or top of said curb box shall in all cases be on a level with the side wall or parking,vvhere there is a curb the stop cock ' shall in all cjrs•s ce laid inside the curb and as near there to as practicable,vanere tilere is no curb tine same shall be laid not more than six inches fio.-- the street edge of the sidewalk,and roust be installed and left in such manner that no trouble will be expericnced in turning on or off' the water. SE CTION 15. .,eters, How Conriccted. :.li meters shall be set as near the -,:all as possible,wrrere tine service pipe enteis tiro premises, and at �_ place easy of access. 11he plumber must fii,st _lace a stop and vaaste cock wit.i a lever handle easily accessible t., the occupant,for the protection Of tine said occupant iil enablin ni,n to turn off the v,ater in cease if leaks,drai.. the pipes,und also prevent freezing, wnicn shall oe fully e::pl4ined to the occupants of the premises by tire plumber doing the v:ork; Next to tine stop 26U end wastethe meter shill be set in a level and plumb posi- tion,next to the meter tneie shall be placed a stop cock and valve. (B) Ifused i,i connection with ateam or hot water boiler a diaphram operated relief valve must oe placed between the outlet of the meter arid -a,. the boiler or neater,to pro- tect the meter from injury from back pressure of steam or hot water,red or white lead shall not be used for making joints. (C) The plumber setting meter must disconnect iron the service all fixtures and apparatus on the premises and grounds not supplied ttiru the meter. 3efore the meter is connected all pipes _oust be blown out to prevent an;; sed- iment or other substance getting into tbLe meter. (D) All meters located outside of basements must oe placed in an inclosure,constructed of two inch plr.nks,brick or cemerit,and sufficiently large to enable removing or re- setting the meter,said incicsure must be frost proof' with a lid or cover secured with strap hinges,and a ring for raising same within the inclosure,and half way frot top of box or manhole to top of meter there must be a cover cleat- ed together that may be easily rer.-,oved to prevent the cola air from reaching the meter. (E) Plumbers setting meters must notify the eater Dept. the date on which meter was mnstulled. sr,,CTIOF 1.6. l+.11 work in connection with the laying of service pipes,setting curb cocks, curb boxes and the in- stalatiori of meters shall be preformed in a manner satis- factory to the Superintendent of the Water.Department and if such work is not preformed in accordance with these rules and re;ulations,the Superintendent shall have the power to order the work done over. 3y'CTIO.�T 17. Laterials and Workmuilship. In Zenelal all m materials used in any plumbing and drainage systems shall be of good quality, free fror.2 def'ects,and when not otrier wise specified herein, shall be of the grade knoa;n to com- merce as "standard" as to weight,size and constr;action. All label- shall be preformed in a thorough and workmanlike manner, All pipin,3 shall be as diredt as practicable and so aiNanged that it may be readily repaired, but no part of a plumbing of drainage system shall be exposed to freez- ing or damage. Special reoulationa as to materials and workmanship are established as follows: SECTION 18. Pipes. All pipes shall be sound,cylinder- iaal and smootir,free fzom cracks,saild holes and other de- fects and of uniforia thickness. Castiron pipes shall 'ee thoroughly coated inside and outside with coal tar pitch or asphaltum,applied hot, and shall have the minimum weight of various sizes shown below: Extra heavy cast iron 2" 5r per foot. itn n " 3 g n It n, a n 4 121 if It n n 5 16' " It It n 6 1 n if 7 20 „ o it n n 33 n n n It it It 10 44.'J „ it „ " " 12 532 „ All cast iron pipe above the water line shall be staai- dard ancIA have standard fittings. all vent shall `',nought iron and wrought steel pipes shall be standard galvanized,but shall not be used as vent pipes in the ground or underneath tale basement floor. 3rass and copper pipes shall be drawn pipes L�.nd shall not be lighter titan 17 gauge. Lead pipes shall weights as follows: li inch for flush 12 n n " is 2 n u n n 3 4• 41 be of a quality known as "DO uitLr pipes 2j# per foot. " 3 m n 4 n " 6 n g „ n � n 1 1 26T SECTIO: 19. Fittings. _,ll connections and changes of direction of pipes shall be made by the use of the proper fittings. .111 fittings for plumbing and drainage shall be soil fittings that present smooth, cont inuous inner surfaces to flow of drainage and shall conform in all respects to their respective grades of pipe,except that fitti::.�s for vent pipes may be ordinary pattern cast,steam fittings and water fitt- ings. Place screw plug c•leanouts,at the base of every cast iron riser and at every bend in the drainage system,necces- sary for convenient cleaning. ' Vents, 31•anctles and Connections. "Y's","Half Y's" sanit- ary "T'.s",qua:ter,ei3ilth,sixttl si;cteenth oends,increusers and redL,.:ers,shall be used for connections and change in dir- ectiono Of soil or waste pipes or drains. A "Y" and ei�7hth bends shall oe used at the foot :f all soil or w ste pipe stack of conductor pipe. "T's" may be used in vent lati pipes,back vent syste::,s of . Jj clean ut openings. Clean out Screws or Plugs. All cleanout screvas or plugs two iichcs or larger 1�11all be cfthe "Stand -a d" xx regulation pattern and shall be placed at leas i three " above t-ie cellar floor,except clean out screws in conductor traps whicil may be used as cellar druins,and mast in all cases be easily access - able. Al' clean -outs on waste pi,,es shall :;L pureed so that botil horrizontal and vertical lines can be rei:dily cleaned. Solderin.' Ferrules,lipples and Unions. Soldering ferrules shall be extra ,:envy brass and shall be of sui'ficient internal diameter to ad::iit w-_:ste pipe enterinE same full size. Solder- ing nipples shall be extra heavy brass. Solderin;; unions shall be extra heavy brass witti ground seat. Prohibited Fittings. Saddle hubs shell not be used un- less., special permission from the plumbing inspector is ob- tained, 'W+usher unio_io, rubber connections,slip or expz.nsioii ' fittings shall not be used on back vents. 03'_1CTIOi; 20. Traps. every plu;noin; fixture shall be seperately and effectively ti'apped,except that three basins set in a line ur two double 1-und-y tubs,oi four shower heads in one �roup,;.iar w:�ste into a sinllle trap and if said trap is within two feet of last fixture,and fixtures are in a close group. All traps shall be provided with full. size cleanout screws,plugs,covers or inlets,which shall be remov- able for cleaning without disturbance of ;;round ai floors. Bath Traps. 3L'acii bestir tub shall have a lead dru,:i trap,. four inches in diameter by eiht incises lon.,,the weight _.novrn as "y'xtra neavy",bein; properly vented,and so constructed t.iat no -as shall come in contact vait_1 tale cover,with a 4' clean - out placed so drat it is readily accessible from the floor. House :Drain Traps. Iiouse drai,: traps,when used or re- quired,shall oe located in the cellar or basement and near as possible to drain ontr-nce. ':,hen placed outside of a buid- ding,a proper pit not less tila:i three feet in diameter,with removable cast iron cover in a cast iron frame shall be pro- vided. ' Back ' at.r Traps. 3a ',; v.a e_ traps may oe rased when placed on a or.a.,c . of t_le louse drain tiiat receives only tine discharge from ba emeilt of cella fixtures. The inspector may order the instwlation of back water traps v:here same are neccessaiy,and the sa:::e .:lust be of the hub pattern wit:i standard re ulation e;ld ferrule of sufficient size so that the gate may be 1 e:aov d for repairs; the end ferrule of same to be accessible. Grease Traps, sremse traps shall be constructed properly with partition or baffle plate,w_ite_ cooled, and shall be back vented. 7,e inspector ,-la', older the i;;st-lation of grease traps wile. �. oc sa y. sa_ae are Replacing Traps. ';;he% a trap is renalced under any' iix- ture,the new trap shall oe back vente.: properly or an approved 2C2 anti -syphon trap shall be used. Anti-Jyphon 'Traps. =+nti-Syphon traps shall nor be used un- leoi> the same has been tested and approved by the board. -11 traps so approved shall have themakers name and style of trap stLmped in plain sight on the trap,and if constructed of brass shall not be lighter than 17 gauge,and if constructed of lead,shall be drawn lead and not lighter than extra light weight,before tine same can be used. Drinking Fountain Traps. Drinking fountain traps cliall be ,)roperly vented when possible. Otherwise anti -syphon traps or drum traps may be used. Fountain CuspAdor Traps. fountain cuspidor traps shall be anti -syphon traps (or as above) Traps Prohibited. Bell traps or traps havin covers,or clean outs,which are held in place by lugs,or bolts,are prohibited. SECTION 21. Joints. ,al joints except as herein provided, shall be made by the use of proper fittings. Joints in cast iron pipes shall be made of oakum and 12 ounces of soft pig lead for each 1' of diameter of pipe. Joints in wrought iron or stbel pipe. Joints in wrouglit iron or steel pipe shall be made up witli screw threads hitvin.2 �,Aite or red lead or mineral paint applied to the male part of the thread, rnd all burs or cuttinZs on the insides of sucu pipes shell be removed before the joints are made up. Joints in Brass &:, Coppe, Pipes. Joints in brass &. copper pipes shall be the same as wrought iron or steel pipes. Joints in lead Pipes. Lead pipes on the sewer side of fixture traps shall be joined by wiped, joints. Overcast joints may be used on the house side of fixture traps. Cup joints are strictl'r prohibited Connections if lead, iron steei,brass or copper pipes shall be. made by raeans of a soldering ferrule,nip_nle ' or union and a wiped joint, Joints in Earthenware xipes..In earthenware pipes each joint shall be wet beforcapplyint _tire cement. The space before the hu)p-•and the spigot end shall be completely and uniformly filled with Portland Cement and eaci joint shall be cleaned on the in- side before the next joint is made. No re -tempered cement shall be used. Y,'here a soil, waste or conductor pipe is connectedto an earthenware housedrain the connecting joint shall be thoroughly made of Portland cement. No cement joints shall be mLtde in cold weather. unless prover precautions have been taken. Floor Joints. There shall be a lead or bru-s.connection or proper flange ',: the floor joint of any fixtures requir- ing same,and the connecting joint shall be properly made up. Roof Joints. Where pipes pass through the roof's, the connecting joint at tine roof shall be made water and weather tight by the use of proper sheet copper,or lead roof p lwtb. Roof connecting joints on the inside conductors shall be made by means of a brass ferrule and copper or lead connections or an approved expansion connection.-Ioof joints shall be made with lead flashing 12" lip on the pipe and 8" to each side of the pipe. Oontinue all vents 24" thru the roof. SECTION 22. Excavations. Any person, firm or cor- poration must secure a permit from the City Engineer before , opening any street ar alley for any purpose whatsoever,except under municipal contracts,and have ermit on the work until finished. It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or corpora- tion to use or cause?& to be used,any sewer, -plumbing or heat- in;;,gas or street opening permit for any'building or struct- ure other than that described thereon and no such permit shall be transferable. Trenches in public streets or alleys shall be so ex- cavat..d do as to impede public traffic as little as possible. The City Engineer or his duly authorized aseistunt or in- spector,shall have tine power to determine or limit the time such street or alley may be kept open and when `1 _aecaescrily 263 delayed,he may direct t-aut the number of workmen be in- creased to hasten the work to such an extent as he may deam neccessary for public interests. 'Trenches six feet or more in depth in ^1'ilied in" or otherwise treacherous soil or near brick buildings,shall be properly braced to prevent any caving in which might occur. The crossing of gutters and all other ways shall be left in such sha_e as to admit of ready escape of water du --in.- storms. lied lights shall be 'kept around all unfinished work at night from dz,.rk until sunrise,and suffucient baracades shall be placed ground excavations at all times. Planks shall always be provided when sidewalks or crossings are opened so as to f cilitate e+.sy crossing over trenches. The refilling of all trenches shall be well and t_ior- oughly done,in uniform layers,not exceeding nine inches and tamped with a tamper of not less than forty pounds weight,or with puddled earth as may be directed by the City Engineer,his assistant or the inspector intrusted with the supervision of such work,as to replace all excav- ated materials and leave the surface in as good condition as found before the cormaencement of the work.,T$'ttI' � shall apply to the excavation of all trenches:,_re niy of �i"aispell for any purpose whatsoever,and no excavation shall be made or begun without first obtaining a permit therefor frog. the City Engineer. No person, firm, or corporation shall excavate any trenches for sewer pipe,or open,uncover or in any an er makeconaection,: with or lay any sewer or drain o :.�uulr'yN any appurtenances to sewer connections with sewer within the public streets,alleys or other grounds of the City of Kal- ispell,or wit_, any private sewer or drain,without first having obtained a permit therefor,as required ::hove, and such permit shall be upon the ground ut all times during the progress of the work and must be shown to any officer in authority upon demand. ' �'xcepting,only persons operating under s;e¢ial con- tractswith the City of -Kalispell for such crork,or working under the direction of the City Engineer. SiCTICiT 23. Sewers.Every building,except as herein provided shall have an independent connection with a san- itary sewer. Sewers extending to other buildings. No conductor soil, waste or drain pipe fro;.: one building, shall connect with a similar pipe from another,except when one is in the rear of the other,and no sewer is available for the rear building. In such ca.e, the sewer from the front may be extended to the rear,and the whole be considered as one sewer. Private Sewers,Cess _'ools,Septic Tanks and Privy Vaults. No buildino,lot or h,remisea shell be connected with a privat, sewer without tile consent of the he„.ltil officer. 'There tiere are no se„ers available the plumb- ing fixtures end sewage from all buildings must connect with a cesspool or• septic taxhi;. Awns and specifications for cess pools and septic t,...nks :dust be &ubrnitted,�_ud ap- proved by the plumbing inspector and a permit granted ' before the work of construction is begun. Cess pools,Septic tanics or Privy vaults will not be permitted on any propertywitizin 200 feet of a sanitary sewer. Fihere they are permitted the;,, must be cleaned before the first day of June of each year or oftener if required by the ,:,_�ltn bepart...ent. -:+'were sewerage is discharged into a cess pobl, the sar,.e shall not be less t:ian tihirti feet fro:r. any inhabited buildinS and shall not be less taan tsix' feet in diameter in the clear and not less than fifteen feet deep. When possible, --vent is to be run from the top of a covered cess pool and up the sides of an outhouse or eihteen inches above the surface of the ;;round and capped with a return bend. 1?0 cese pool or privy vault wi1L be permitted where a sewer exists and no drain or cess pool 264 will be permitted to drain into a privy vault. 'io cess pool or privy vault will be allowed to dischar- ge directly into any storm sewer or sanitary sewer in the City of Kalispell. No direct openin,7 into any sanitary sewer or storm sewer will be permitted from any house,building, outhouse or shed od any kind.or description,except that connections with a sanitary sewer may be made as provided for in this Ordinance under the direction or with the approval of the City Engineer of the City of Kalispell. Cess- pools must be properly covered and every safe gaurd used to prevent caving. House drains shall be run as directly as prac- ticable and in perfect lin�on the bottom and sides. Said drains shall be laid max a true grade of not less than per foot,beginning at a depth of not less thaneight feet below the first floor of the building. 1Jo house drain shall be less than four inches in dia- meter. In cases where the roof' is permitted to drain into the sewer,the size shall be sufficient to drain the roof' areas and iixtures,and shall be computed on the following basis, Not l sUivan one square inch of pipe area to drain 250 feet of roof area. House drains shall not be less than four inches in diameter and shall h-.ve a f&ll of at leastone quarter inch per foot,and when buried in the earth shall be constructed of cast iron or stoneware vitri- fied pipe. Cellar and floor drains. Cellar and floor drains shall not be less than two inches in diameter ' ouch drains shall be provided with a suitable treLp having a screw plug inlet. Cellar grain traps without screw plug inlets may be used where there is suffi- cient intake of water to insure a seal at all times. All floor drains shall be provided with a "Knoxal" trap,or equal of no less inside diametert.aun the waste line and equiped with cleanout. 'Waste line for floor drainsshall be of no less than 2 inches inside diameter, 'When servin a total floor area of 25;> square feet. 'O."hen total floor area to oe drained exceeds 250 square deet,a three inch waste line shall be installed. Roof connections With Sewers. All eave spot,to. connected with buildings in the business portion of the city shall be connected with the sewer. And it shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any grease, straw, hay, or like substance, or paper, excepting toilet or tissue, in any sewer or receptacle or water closet in con- nection with any sewer. Section 24. Connections. How Ordered, Failure ' to connect when Ordered. The City Council shall have power to order the owners or agents of owners of houses upon any street or part of c•treet to make connection with the sewer, and when so ordered, the chief of police shall cause notices to be delivered to such houses, or to the owners or agents thereof, which notice shall contain a copy of this section. If the owner or owners,- agent or agents of any such house shall fail to make such connection within ten days after the delivery of such notice, such owner or owners shall be deemed guilty of maintaininrx a nuisance. Section 25. It shall be the duty of allp-roperty owners within the limits of the City of Kalispell, Yontana, 2651 whose property abuts on any street or alley in which there is a main, lateral, or district sewer to connect all waste pipes or drains on such premises with such main, lateral or dist- rict sewer. Section 26. VENT STACKS. Stacks shall be construct ed of cast iron, galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipes. Every building in which water closets are located shall have at least one four inch stack. Horizmntal runs of soil pipe shall have as great a fall as practicable and in no case shall such fall be less than one -quarter or an inch per foot. In no case shall a tile bend be used at the foot of a rising line. Vents in Single Houses. In single houses, but one four inch soil pipe vent shall be reg-fired. Ventilating pipes from additional vents may be two inch and shall be increased one inch in -diameter every forty feet of their length. Vents in Double Houses or Terraces. In double houses or terraces, where the water closets for two houses dis- charge into a doubly "Y" branch in the same soil pipe, but one three inch stack, shall ba required, otherwise the rule for stacks in single houses shall govern each house. Vents in Buildings of One to Six Stories. In build- ings one to six stroies high, soil pipe vents shall be full size, except that a two inch ventilating pipe may be used on additional vents receiving the discharge of not more than two water closets within thirty feet of a full sized soil pipe vent. Such two inch ventilating pipe shall be increas- ed one inch in diameter every forty feet of its length. In New Buildings. Vents for any fixture other than ' water closets above the first floor., Every fixture located above the first floor shall have a vent extended through the roof, said vent to be the full size of the waste pipe. Extending Lines in Oil Buildings. In old buildings over two stries in height, and in which fixtures are located on top floor above second floor, the waste vent that received the discharge from said fixtures or fixture shall be extended full size through roof. Pipes Through Roofs --Adjoining Buildin s. The ter- minals of such pipe shall.be at least three feet above any window less than ten feet from such terminal. Where one building adjoins another of a greater height, havin windows or openings overlooking the lower building, the terminals of all ventilating and back vent pipes, in said lower build- ing shall be at least twelve feet from said windows or open- ings of the higher building, or said terminals may be extend- ed, undiminished in size, three feet above windows of such higher building. When such latter extensions are more than five feet they may be made as approved by the Plumbing Ins- pector. Where soil and vent stacks pass through the roof they shall be made water tight with a lead or copper flashing. SI_ES OF ' Z72 S'TACYS. ' Diameter: Drinking : Sinks : Commer- of Vent : Fountain Laundry cial the Pipes : Dental Trays : Boxes : Cuspidor Bath Urinals Tubs Ordinary Showers : :lop Sinks Bar Sinks: Water Closets :Refrigera- :tors, Lavatot :ries. ." 3" 6 2 1 6 2" 15 6 4 10 2J" 10 10 15 3" 15 15 25 Slop sinks Trap Standard 4 12 20 1266 Section 27, WASTE STACKS. Wastes, except as herein provided, shall be of cast iron, lead, brass or copper. Wastes shall have as great a fall as practicalbe. All toilet soil pipes shall be 4" in diameter. Wastes from Acid Sinks. Wastes from acid sinks shall be constructed of Duriron properly stamped, STANDARD CAST IRON ENAMELED on the inside, and tar coated on the outside. VITRIFIED EARTHEN PIPE, or WYKOFF WOODEN PIPE. It must dis- charge in a catch basin in basement connected to sewer. Refrigerator Wastes. Regrigerator waste pipes shall connect to an open fixture that is trapped and said fixture to have water supply, or run on floor that has a trap, and all refrigerators to be separately trapped with broken conn- ect.ion. Galvanized, wrought or steel pipe may be used for refrigerator or ice box drains only. Exhausts. Blow -offs and Drip Wastes. The exhaust, blow -off or drip from a steam boiler steam traps or exhaust heads shall not connect directly with any sewer, drain., soil or waste pipe. Such pipes shall discharge into a con- denser provided with a relief pipe of at least two inches in diameter, the same to be extended above roof and the waste from said condenser, within the buildinF, and to a point three feet outside of same, shall be of glavanized wrought iron or glavinized steel pipe, and shall connect outside of the house trap where a house trap is used and in all cases at least three feet outside of wall of building. A sewer into which such condenser discharges shall receive sufficient drainage, aside from what received from conductors, to cool the dis- charge, or shall have such cooling processes as may be approved by the health officer. Water so hot that it will cause steam to rise shall not enter any street sewer, drain or lateral. House Tank Overflow Wastes. The overflow pipe from a house tank shall not be connected directly with any drain, soil or waste pipe. 6uch pipe shall discharge into an open fixture or into a roof gutter. This rule applied also to open expansion tanks. Sizes of Waste Pipes. Diameter of Drinking: Sinks :Commercial : Bar Sinks : Water Fountain: Laundry :Ice Boxes : Refri,,era-: Closets Waste Pipe Dental :'Trays :Urinals : tors, Lava3 Slop Cuspidors Bath :Ordinary : tories. : Sinks Tubs :Slop Sinks . . Trap Showers Standard 1 t' 3 2 3 2" 8 6 2 8 3" 20 '15 8 20 10 4" 20 Por each additional 25 closets or fraction thereof the waste line shall be increased one inch. Section 28, BACK VENTS. All water closets connected to ' a line of soil pipe shall be revented except top fixtures, and in all cases where openings are left for future water closets provision must be made for back vents for all such openings. Back vents shall be cast iron, galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel, brass or copper. Lead pipes may be used in making short connections between the iron, steel, brass or copper back vents. Back vents shall be arranged to avoid collection of water from condensation and shall be run at least six inches above fixtures before connecting to another pipe. Water Closet Traps. Except as herein provided, everr water closet trap shall be back vented and back vent shall 267 connect to the bend or connection close to the fixture and near top side as practicable. Earthenware connections are prohibited. When located in cellar or basement, one of two water closets will be allowed without back vent. Where practicable, for groups of three or more water closets, yoke ventilation shall be substituted for back vents. Slop Sinkst Slop Sinks having traps two inches, or larger shall be back vented, except where there is but one ' slop sink within four feet from a ventilated line. Sizes of Back Vents. Back Vents for Water Closets and Other Fixtures Having Traps Lan er than Two Inches. lame er erAfter of 'Maximum 'Maximum Length Fixtures Length Allowed Allowed Allowed Increased Ever inches 1-5 40 feet40 eeP 21 inches 6-10 40 feet 40 feet 3 inches 11-15 40 feet 40 feet 4 inches 16-60 40 feet 40 feet Back Vent Pipes for Fixtures with Traps Two Inches Diameter umber After Maximum of Maximum Length Allowed Fixtures Length Increase Every. Allowed Allowed 12-- inches 1-3 40 feet 40 feet 1 inches 4-7 40 feet 40 feet ' 2 1 inches 8-14 40 feet 40 feet 22 inches 15-21 40 feet 40 feet 3 inches 22-28 40 feet 40 feet 31 inches 29-35 40 feet 40 feet 4 inches 36--------------- Section 29. YOKE VE_".TILATION. Pipes for yoke ventil- ation, except as herein provided, shall be of cast iron, gal- vanized wrought iron or galvanized steel. Pipes for yoke ventilation of water closets to the number of five shall be at least three-inch, for six or more water closets shall be at least four inch, and for all other fixtures shall be full size of wastes. Yoke Vents. When practicable the yoke vent system shall be used for a group of three or more water closets, and when located one above the other all shall be connected to the yoke except the top floor if not more than two water closets within the limited distance. Water closets and fix- tures with traps larger than two inches shall not be back vented when attached to the yoke vent systemm. All other fix- tures so attached shall be properly trapped and traps shall be back vented. Where a group of more than two water closets are located in the cellar, a separate three-inch Lent stack from such group will be considered a yoke vent. 'Modified Yoke Vents. A modified yoke vent in which one ventilating pipe is connected to the other, may be used for a group of water closets. In Buildings more than five stories in height, and where there are groups of fixtures having traps larger than two-inch on different floors,the modified system of yoke ventilation shall not be used, but shall have the main vent line of the yoke vent extended direct through roof. Section 30. DEAD E_DS. All dead ends and unused fix- tures shall be removed, and properly capped or plugged. 26 Section 31. FIXTURES. Plumbing and drainage fixtures shall be constructed of non -absorbent material that is not easily cracked, crazed or broken, and that has perfectly smooth surfaces to which soil will not ad- here so firmly that it cannot be removed by a flush of water. Outlets shall be as large or larger than the waste pipe, and shall not be obstructed by strainers, covers or bars that will prevent a scouring flush at each dis- charge,of the fixture. Fixtures that are provided with stoppers for the waste outlet shall have overflows to prevent water overflowing the fixture when the stopper is in place. Fixtures shall be set open, that is, per- fectly free from enclosing woodwork or other casing that would cut off light and air. They shall be well supplied with water for flushing, and in public places the walls and floors where they are set shall be lined with some nonabsorbent material. Wooden fixtures shall not be used except by special permission of the Health Officer. Com- bination trough fixtures are prohibited. Section 32. Water Closets. Every structure used for human habitation, when situated within access of a public sewer and Dublic water service, shall be provided with at least one accessible oloset for every two families. In factories, school buildings, e'S¢., at least one water closet shall be provided for every twenty- five persons and shall '�e accessible to all occupants and employees. A water closet shall not discharge into a sewer or soil pipe less than four inches in diameter except as herein provided. Anti -Freezing Water Closets. Long hoppers with flush tanks and flush rims shall be used for anti - freezing water closets. Traps for such water closets she'll be placed directly underneath properly ventilated. Prohibited. Water Closets. Pan, plunger, and ' washout water closets, latermines, troughs, automatic viater closet ranges, and the Smead systems are prohibited. Hoppers are prohibited except for anti -freezing water closets, as provided herein. When a prohibited water closet is removed from the floor same shall not be re- placed. Prohibited Urinals. Trough urinals are pro- hibited for use and when existing trough urinals are removed from the well it shall not be reused. Water Supply for Water Closets. Water closets shall be supplied from a tank of at least three galons capacity. Tanks shall have ample water supply, and flush pipes from open tanks shall be at least one and one -quarter inch. Where the city pressure is not suffi- cient to supply the closet tanks, house pump and tank system shall be provided. Tanks shall be fitted and adjusted to prevent waste of water. Where Flushometer closets are used a sufficient amount of water shall be supplied to properly operate the flushometer valve. Changing Style or Location of Closets. If the style or location of water closet is changed or ' where new water closets are added to an existing line of pipe, the pipes and connections and room ventilation thereto shall conform with the regulations. Water Closet Rooms. Separate rooms shall be provided for water closets, and such rooms shall not be used for other than toilet purposes and shall be well lighted and in direct communication with the outer air. For rooms with but one water closet light and ventila- tion may be provided by means of a window of at least three square feet area open to the outer air, and rooms with more than one water closet light and,ventilation shall be proportionated, except that such closets may be located in prison cells. When water closets are to 266 A b�,A�aced i ire idt rNm�s in 'old �uildin s he Tnnercase p er shAH.:isrs su m t plans or app sfa . shall a water closet be allowed on inside rooms in new buildings, unless properly vented by means of a foul air register of proper size and stack to roof ventilator. Section 33. RAIN '�aATER LE"_D77_0'. shall ,ever. be used as soil,.waste or vent pipes nor shall sail, waste or vent pipes be used as rain water ieaders. Rain water lead- ers shall be provided with cst iron running traps at base, with screw plug cleanouts. Section 34. STATID PIPE CO3`;NECTION. All business buildings now in existence or hereafter erected three or more stories high, shall have one or more metallic stand pipes not less than three inches inside diameter, placed at or near the front, rear or sidevialls of any building fronting on a street or alley or built in connection with the fire escape and located where the Chief of the Fire Department may direct; said stand pipe shall extend above the roof and be arranged so that hose can be attached to each story from the street and roof; connections for,each shall be'"Y" valves_pldced one foot below the window sill and in such position as to avoid kinking the hose in carryin, through window; all hose couplin7s and valves shall conform to the size and pattern adapted by the Fire Department. Section 35. rROPTrTY 071NE?RH LIABILI`['Y. Every property owner having plumbing installed is equally respons- ible with the P17-:meing contractor in having material installed, and labor performed in accordance with and in strict compliance with the foregoing M,=S AND RE ULATION$. Section 36. The entire plumbing and drainage system before being covered shall be tested and inspected by the plumber in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector and the owner with the w,:,ter test as follows: All pipes must remain uncovered in every part of the system until they have success- fully passed the test. The plumber sh,.11 securely close all openings with test plugs and the use of wooden plugs for this purpose is hereby prohibited.- The grater test shall be apolied by closing the lower end of the main house drain and filling the pipe to the highest opening above the roof with water. Water test shall include at one time the house drain and branch- es. All vertical and horizontal soil, waste, vent and leader lines and all branches therefrom to a point above the surface of the finished floor and beyond the finished face of walls and partitions. If the drainage or any part of the system must be tested separately there must be a head of water at least six feet above all parts of the work, so tested, and special provision must be made for including all joints and connections in at least one test. All material and labor, for this test must be furnished by the plumber. Section 37. All work of plumbing and drainage shall be performed by journeyman plumber duly licensed here- under as such and under the supervision of an employing or master plumber, duly licensed and bonded as such as herein provided, and who is registered with the Board of Health. A change in the plumbing and draining system shall be governed by the same rules as any work. Section 38. vhere special fixtures are required, for which there is no provision in this Ordinance, or any conditions arise that demand a deviation therefrom, the plumbing inspector may, after an examination of the pre- mises, permit such deviation from the provisions of this Ordinance, as in his judgment the condition demands, and must in such c.:se issue a special permit in writing there- for, which shall fully describe the deviation permitted. Section 39. Any pers.-,n violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and be liable to a fine, not exceeding 1150.00 or to imprisonment not exceedin sixty days, or to both such fine and imprisonment, and on conviction, if a plumber, in addition to the penalties herein described, he shall vlk 61 forfeit any plumbing licens,= which he may hold. Section 40. Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Chapter 11 of Ordinance.368, known as the Revised Ordinances of the City of Kalispell of 1922 and passed April 3rd, 1922, and Ordinance No. 385, passed June 1st, 1925 and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 41. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days from and after its passage and approval. , Passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana this 3rd day of October 1927. Approved this 3rd day of October 1927. R. Pauline Mayor. Attest: 0, E. Trekell Clerk. State of Montana ) 6T'WgfoiafW4TId ) ss. I, C. E. Trekell, Clerk of the City of Kalispell Montana, do hereby certify that 1927, on the 4th day of October, I posted in my office a full copy of the fore- going Ordinance, No. 401; that the same remained posted for a period of five days, and that the !=bove is a true copy of the same. Witness my hand this 21st day of June, 1923.