Ordinance 399 - Establishing Water Dept254 ORDIN"": CE NO. 399• AIT Ob:DIITiLITCE PL'OVIDING AND ESTA3LISHING A R:ATILR DEP,',r_TIE-,ET IN THE CITY OF K"1ISPE:,LL, TMOITTA3L'.,AND hF,OVIDIITG FM TH' LL'i'THOD OF f,-".INTI:IITI'NG '.ND OPi EATIYG A l'lA1 I: SYSTE11 AI,D THE APPURTEN.,"iECES TIE ETO AND PI;OVIDI TG FOE, CEb:V IN E11:1'LOMEES FOE THE CPE`r.ATION OF SAID WATER '.?OtKSSYSTE'P,i 11,1D ESTABLISIiING A SCIEDULL� OF i _TLS A:T-) CiiA::G;S FOle 'LUAT1;l TO FiIVATL AND PUBLIC COH UMILS OF THE S"_ID CITY OF IL.'-3,SSITELL. BE IT OhDAIIrED BY TELO CITY '-OUNCIL OF TIC CITY OF I ALISI LL, SECTION 1. That there is hereby estaolished a 'IJater vioiks Department of the City of Kalispell for the purpose of providing for the operation and maintenance of said water system which has heretofore been purchased by s<„id City of Kalispell. SECTION. 2.That the "Tayor shall appoint by -,nd with the content of tire City Council,a suitable.:nd qualified person,as ManuZing Superintendent at a salary to be fixed by the City Council and who -. term of office shall continue until just cause for removal by the City Council. SECTION 3. The said Ouperi_.tendent shall have full charggcontrol and mariagement of everythin; pret:::irning to the hater Works Plant and ';.ester V;orks Department of said City of Kalidpell and do all other acts that may be neccessary for the prudent and efficient management,operation, maintenance, improvement and protection of said Water Vdorks,subject only to the supervisory control of the Yayor and the City Council. SECTION 4. The Superintendent shall have supervision oven allcontracts in connection with the Water "orks plr;:.nt, and shall see that they are faithfully executed. He shall recommend to the City Council the ordering of all vr.te_ mains and their location and size,and the location of valves and hydrants.He shall have charge of the erection of all build- ings,enaines,purnps, fixtures,boilers, filters,basins,tunnels reservoirs and Tlounds.He shall prepare and distribute an annual report snowing the financial condition and the activ- ities of the 17ater Department and shall file with the City Clerk on the first :.Ionday of May of each year,an inventory of all personal property belonging to the "ester Department. SECTION 5. That the Iv(ayor shall apoint by and with the content of the Council,& suitable and qualified jl,erson as Cashie;,at a salary to be fixed by the City Council,and v,hose term of office shall continue until just cause for removal. SECTIOIT 6. The Cashier of said Water Works Department shall keep a complete set of books and shall at �,ll times snow tie distributive accounts of the said V..'utcr 117orks Depart- ment and said books shall be ppen at all times to ins_ection during the time said office shall be open for business. He shall keep a correct account of all receipts,and make out bills fox water rents or material sold and collect the same and deposit the money so collected with the City Treasurer daily,and take a receipt therefore. SECTI01T j. 1`=11 other employees neccessaiy to the operation and maintenance of said "Dater Toiks Cystem shall be employed and discharged by the Superintendent of said i,ater Department with authority to fix all we.ges L:,nd salaries of the- men so employed. SECTION 8. Tire Superintendent and Cashier of s,,id Viater 'i,'"orks Department shall sign an oath of office within ten days after their appointrnent,and shall give a surety bond the amount to be determined by the City Council,conditioned on the faithful preforrnance of their duties and -.ccourting to the City of Kalispell for all the property or r.2oneys entrusted to their keeping. Tile prer.iiu:m of which bond shall be I:aid out of the revenue of s•:id `�,ater 117orks Department. Ordinance ,o. 399,continued. 25,3 SECTION .The rates a.nd charges; now in eif'ect and approved by the YontG•na Public Service Commnission shall constitute the only rates for the use of water until such tine as a new schedule shall be adopted,and approved by the State Public Sery ice Commission. SECTION 10. .11 Ordinance.- and pwrts of ordin4inces in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ' Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, 1.onta.na, this 17th dL-,r of September, 1927. rpNroved by the Yayor this ljth day- of September, 1927. rauline, 1'ayor. ItLest, C. E. Trekell, City Clerk. State of Yontana County of flathead ) SS City of Kalispell I, C. -Ze. Trekell, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Lontara, do Hereby fertify that on the 16th day of September 19�'% 1 Hosted a copy of the foreooinr Ordinance No. 399 and that it remained posted £or a period of'five days. and that the above is a full and exact copy of t21c same. 1 City Clerk.