Ordinance 367 1/2 - Amends Ord 231 - IdlersORDINANCE NO. 367j-. ' AN ORDINANCE TO A15,11D SECTION 423 OF ORDI17AliCE 1-0. 231 ENTITLED; )INANCE R VISI`-G, CODI1;'YIi.G AYD ENACTII:G TT_•1E GENERAL ORDI1;ILiCE OF THE CITY OF KALISI'hLL A1TD REPEALING ALL OF.DINFjiCES OR PAI?TS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT TTT R'+;17ITi , n Approved July 24, 1911. BE IT ORDAINED BY TTi7 CITY COU17CIL 0:1" THE CITY OF KALISPELL: Section 423 of Ordinance No. 231 entitled: "An Ordinance revising, codifying and enacting the general erd'_r.ence of the City of Kalispell and repealing all ordinances or pests of ordinances in conflict therewith." Approved July 24, 1911, is ame^ded to read as follows: Section 1. No person shall obstruct nor encumber my street, side- walk, fire escape or ether, or any public places in the City by lounging or loitering in, on or about the same; and any person offending, who, af- ter being requested to rove on by any police officer or person in charge ' of any property where said street, sidwalk, fire escape or other public places are beinFso obstructed or encumbered, failes or refuses to comply with such request, 9kia.11 �,^ deemed an "idler" and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ?�5.CC nor more than N25.00. Section 2. The provisions of :^.11 nrdinances in conflict mith this crdin:ance are hereby repe_2,led. Section 3. This ordinance shall t<.}e effect thirty days after its passage and approval. Passed by the City Council on this 7" day of March 1922. Approved by the Mayor on t_.is 7" day of March 1922. R. Pauline, Mz.y c r . A. J. Shaw, City Clerl;. State of Montana ) Count;r of flathead ) SS. City of Kalispell ) I, A. J. Shaer, Clerk cf t'.e City of Kalispell, Mont�,.nn, do herel,y certify t_._.t on the £nth c.ay of March 1922, I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance nunber. 367 in my c=Tice and that the same reamined poste;_ for a period cf Ti-re days thereafter,and the fore- going record is a true copy of the ordina::ce as passed by the Council.. Dated this 29th day of ularc:n, 1922 City Clerk