Ordinance 367 - Dance Hall Hours1s ORDINANCE ITURUM 367. AN ORDINAITCF PROIIIRITING DANCING Rrr.n 1T T CERTAIN TIOURS IN ASTY HALI. I?T THE CITY OF KALI SPFLL , TIONTANA , VUERF DAYCP'S ARF FIELD . BE IT ORDAIPTFD BY TIT, CITY COUITCIL OF THE CITY OF AALISIML, ICOITTAYA. Section 1. Any person having the control of any hall in the City of Kalispell where dances are held who permits any dancing in such hall between the hours of 12 o�clock midnight and E o'clock in the morning; on Sunday, or between the hours of 3 o'clock and a Oclock on any other morning on any other day of the week, shall be guilty of the offense of conductinC an un- lawful. dance, and upon the conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period of i, not to exceed two hundred dollE.rs, or by imprisonment for a period of not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 2. The provisions of all Ordinances in conflict witl' this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed by the City Council on this 3" day of October, 1921. Approved by the ?Jayor on this day of October 1921. A. J. Shaxvl, City Clerk. State of Montana County of Flathead SS. City of Kalispell C� I, A. J. Shaw, Clerk of the City of I`-ali.epell, Yontarla, do Hereby certify that on the 4th day of Octol-er 1�121, 1 posted a copy of the for( -ageing ordinance number 767 in my office 'and that the same remained posted for a period of five days thereafter, and the foregoing record is a true copy of the ordinance as passed by the Council. Dated. this 29th daey of Larch, 1922. City Clerk.