Ordinance 480 - Volunteer Fire Dept413 nRDTNAINC 1'o. 480 AN ORDT I\ATdC 3 ,8TA9I,ISii C A VOLUPJTEEI? FIRE DEPARri ! MT OF TiiE CITY K'jLISP?LL ;i.D :':iO-rIDI1\r I'Oi? ITS ORGAIJI`a.!,I IOL liiil M,,d� A M; '11 T. 97 IT ORDAI JED SY TE': COU:JC T? ';7 TH CI Y OF K: LI3PELL, ;:OhT,iWu : Section 1. There is hereby established as an adjunct to the Fire ' Department of the Cit`r of Kalispell as now established and -or- gani zed, a department to be known as the 'JOLTTLT. s R FIRE DEPART1.4RI;T of the Cite of Kalispell, whieii shall consist of not more Shun twenty (20) firejien. Section 2. The :favor shall norlinate, and with the c )nsent of' t'ne 7-ty Council, appoint all Volunteer riremen, which ap,7,ointnent shall be made for a term of five ve:rs (5) and such firemen shall not be over forty-five (45) years of il,e and shall furnish satisfactory evidence t''int applicant is in =-ood health and has the ability to perform the -..v 1rk renu`_red bir fi rerien in the per_'orraar, s of - duties. their Section 3. That at least eight (3) of sail'rolunteer 7iremen shall occupy as their personal sleeping quarters without charge, the firemen's dormitory in th? "ire Tall, so that they Trill Sz ready to re. -;pond to tailsat ankr time between eight O'clock in the even- tng and seven o'clock in the raorni_n< and shall respond to calls in toe, day time When necessary; that t`le voiunte".r T ireiipn who do not occul)y the dor itory as sleepi_n7 quarters shall, by the acceptance of their appointment, agree to resnonl to ca_l's at an1T time during the night or day. All volur_tary firemen, while on duty at fires and occupying the dormitory, shall be under the corti-iand and the control of the Chief of the Fire Department. ' Section 4. Any Volunteer Fi-re��an, who is sc situated that lie can- not comply with the requirements of Section 3 of triis ordinance, and such rules as may be nr^mulgated for the efficient conduct of the Fire Department, shall c,ithdraw from such Volunteer 1'ire De- partrient and thereup_>n another volunteer f'ire:,;an shall be appointed in his place. Section 5. That me:-tbers of the 7olu-ta,r Fire Department shall be pair! the sum of one dollar-(.1.U0) per hour while actually enF,aged in combatimZ fires., with a jnini.muri of one dollar (•y1.00) for tkle attendance at any fire.. The Cilief or Assistant Chief of the "ire Dep:,rt^ient, shall, three days before the end of each nuarter, file with the City Clerk a verified detailed report of the fires attended by 'dolunteer Firemen, setting forth th;; time and place of the fires attended and the amount due each volunteer fireman, and `:alien said report is approved by the auditing committee, a warrant shall be issued to each fire -tar) for the arlount due 'him. :Section 6. '"here shall be kept in the office of the CitY C_erk a record Of all appointees to the `volunteer T 4 re Department, toF-ether With a li t Of qualified-voplic'ants and ca3 Vacancies; occur In said department, the same shall be filled "rocs the list of ntjali.fied applicants on file. Section 7. Every 7olunteer Fi— jan wr;lu has served five (5) cars sa-911 be entitled to an e !`apt certificate as autho rtired by Sect -ion 5144 of the ^,evised Codes of :`ontruja, 1y35. Section P. The `'iaVOr may su Spen] an-,, '.volunteer "ire. -Jan for ne__*lect Of duty or a violation of any of the rules and regulations of t'ie ?Fire Dep lrtment. In all cases of sr_tspension, a person suspended ;.just be furnished with a copy of the char -es against him in writin„ setting forth re•13ons for the si.soens'_on ind such charge :rjust he presented to the next rneetin- of the "ouncii and s hearing lad thzrzon; hen the suspended member of the fire Departrent may appear in person, or by counsel and make his defense to said charge; if such ch!trF-es 1 414 c1; are found proven by the Council, the Ccur;(;il by vote of a riAjorit.v of the whole Council may remove the suspended fire.nan from such Fire Department. Section 9. That it is necessary for the rerice, health cnd safety of the City of Kalispell and the residents thereof that this or- dinance take effect and be in full force and effect iramedi-ttely upon its passage and approval. Pa wed and approved by the City. Council this lotlg day of :,pril, , '. 0. :7ILLLATL9 ;iayor Attest: F. T. ?03ISCHON City Clerk ;Mate of '?ontana ) County of Flathead) ss I, F T. Pobischon, City Clerk of the City of Kali roil, t.ontana, do hereby certify that on the 14th day of Arril, 1939, I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office and the same remained so posted for -a period of five days and the ^ore- gnin.7 record is a true copy of the ordinance as passed by the City Council. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1939. erk