Ordinance 458 - Inner Fire Limits01 .359 ORDIIiAIJCE No. 4ba AI: ORDI1AIvCE Iia,'"ShrING I ',GLi,`DiRI3:3 OF TIL If�Ai}sit FIRE LI:,IITS OF THE CITY OF Y,_'�LIS E'LL, IIOi','T17q-; 9: IT JRDAII;R:) 37 "?: 0011 JCIL 07 1117 CITY OF KALISP LL• Section 1. 7ecticn 243 of the 'Revised Ordinances of the City ' of Kalispell passed and apnrovad 'Tirc'i 5tli, 1,123) as ariended by Ordinance Nucwer 432 be and the sarie is h:;reby ar.�ended to read as follows: "Section 243. That all that portion of the territory within the City of. Kalispell c .Rained it, the follovrinF de- scribed boundary to -wit: Co�r�'Zencing at a paint on the cen- ter of Ra'Jroad Street and the c.:nter of Second avenue 7ast; thence rurnin sou',herlir on the center of Secr)nd Avenue ?ast to t;ie center of Fifth Street; t:-rice westerly on the center line of ^ifth Street to the center of Tirst Avenue West; thane northerly on the center of first Avenue 17est to the canter of i°ourtn Street; thence wester- ly on the c %ter li.e of Fcarth Street to the cei.„r of the alley between Second Avenue "Jest and Third Lvonle ^Vest; thence northerly on the center line of the alley between Second Avenue liVest and Third "venue '.'Vest to the center of Railroad Street; tiience easterly on the center line of Railroad Street to Second Avenue East, the point of beginning; is hereb, declared to be and henceforth shall be established and known as the Inner ire Limits of the City of Kalispeli." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full ' force and effect thirty days after its passage and arproval. Passed by the City Souncil this 4th day of January, 1337, and approved by the '"ayor on said date. J. P. 3RUCKHTAUS';R :.4ayor Attest: F. J. ROLiISCiICN City C1erk State of ;,ontana County of Flathead) ss I, F. J. Robischon, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, 71�on tan a, do hereby certify that on the 5th day of Tanuary, 1937, I posted a copy of the fore3oin_r ordinance in my office =,nd the sar,Ie remained so posted for a period of five d-i;r, and the fore- goina record is a true con, of the ordinance as passed by the City Council. Dated this llth day of January, 1:;37. it erk