Ordinance 567 - Work on Water PipesORDINANCE NO. 567 AN ORDINANCE ENDING SECTION 227 OF THEREVISED ORDINANCES OF L947s OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTi;NA, TO PROVIDE THAT NONE BUT LICENSED PLUMBERS OR THE WATER OWRKS DEP9P.^I:4EIT OF SAID CITY -OF KALISPELL BY ITS DULY AUTHORIZED EM:LOYEES SIi@LL BE fiLLONED TO DO ANY WORK IN CONNECTION WITH THE 'W1,T R SERVIGE PIPES BETWEEN THE CURB BOXES AND THE ,,ATER USER'S METER. AND M ,T NONE BUT THE W"TER IHIKS DEPRRT* MEST BY ITS DULY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEIsS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO DO ANY . WORKIN CONNECTION I ITH THE %iATER SERVICE PIPE BETWEEN THE CITY MAIN AND THE CURB BOXES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIT1 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KAL=SRLL: Section 1. That Section 227 of the Revised Ordinances of 1947, of the City of Kalispell, Montana 'be and the same is her 0y amended to read <s follows: "Section 227. None but licensed nlumbers or the Water Works Department of t-.e City of Kalis^ell by its duly authorized employees shall do any work in connection with the .rater service pipes between the curb boxes and the water user's meter and none but the Plater Works Dep^rtment of said City of Kalispell b its duly authorized employees shall do any work in connection with the water serviee pipes between the City water Mains and the curb boxes, all plumbers must make return to tre proper offices of the Water Works Department a true and correct account of the work done wi�hin twenty-four hours after completion." Passed ty the City Council and approved by the Mayor this 1st day of August, 1949. F. H. Keller Mayor ATTEST C. H. Brewer City Clerk I, C. H. Brewer, City Clerk of the City of KalispellMontana do hereby certify that on the 1st day of August, 1943, I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office and the same remained posted for a period of five days and the foregoing is a true copy of the ordinance as passed by the City 1,ouncil.