Ordinance 555 - Garbage7 o ORDINANCE '-0. 555 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ziAULING JR MOVING OF GARBAGE, REFUSE, GELVEL, DIRT AND OTHER MATTER ON OR ALONG THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC '.PAYS OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AND DECL` IdG AN EMERGENCY FOR THE PASSAGE HEREOF. BE IT 07Di!IN: D BY THE CITY COUNCIL Or THE CITY OF i�ALISPELL: ' Section 1. All persons, firms arid corporations who may for them- selves or in the employment of others, remove garbage or other substance whYch from any cause hr.s become or m y be offensiv-s, shall in removing the same from, over or along any of the streets, highways, alleys or public 7rounds of said city of Kalispell or elsewhere therein, convey the same _n close, tight boxes or other containers, so as to Prevent the scattering or dropping there- from of any such garbage or other substance whille "in motion or passing along or bevng on any of the streets, highways or other places above mentiioned. Section 2. No person, firm or corporation hauling stones, gravel, bricks, manure, dirt or refuse shell drop or deposit any part of ' the same upon any street, alley or other public place or way within the limits of the Ciity of Kalispell. Sectfon3. The violation of any provision of this ordinance is here- by declared to be a misdemeanor, puniskiable as provided by the Ordinances of the Pity of Kalispell. Section 4. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and the imsledi.ate passage of this ordinance is hereby �Ieclared to be necessary for•the peace, health and safety of the pity of Kalispell and this ordincance shall be and re---ain in full force -.nd effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed by the City I-ouncil and approved by the Mayor this 18th day of May, 1948. ID_ S. Cameron Mayor ATTEST: C. H. Brewer City 1,lerk I, C. H. Brewer, City Clerk of the City �f Kalispell, 17ortanal do hereby certify that on the 18t1i day of 19489 I c;osted a corer of tre foregoim ordinance "n ^y office and t'e. sara, remmined rusted for a _.r od of five days and the foregoing true coc;y of the ordinance z.s passed by the City Counc_l. �irl- of the c'-ty oI Kalispell, :Io-tana