Ordinance 551 - Beer License Requirements561) ORDI i,YCE 551 n AN ORDIidk"CE SRC`i'I'SN 777 Oi• THE REVIS_D ORDIN1tT: '.CES OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL OF 1947., Ii' L-.-'I.'(} ' 0 CITY LICEI-.I hECIIIR'' J I?TS FOR THE Si;LE OF BEERS :__:D FIXI`;G _°i'_E LICENSE FEE THi".E THCft=;FOTE77.. P;"' IT ORDA1'. D EY THE CI'_'Y CJUt'CI uF i'?rE CITY OF KGLISt:;LL: SECTIO11 1. Section 777 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Kalispell is hereby amended to real as follo:•:s: Section 777. City License-equirements. Every person who desires to en;-a7e in the .-usi.ness of manufacturing, selling, distributing or 'el_veri._ of ear an,[ other similar beverrFes in the City of Kalispell urwer the provisions of this ordinance, either as a. bre,rer, wholes leT, retailer or club as herein defined, shall first apply for and oLt in a license therefore fro— the City of Kalispell as he*-eiJn ;_roviried, .nd if such license is t;r-anted shall pay therefore an annual license fee as folloivs: Each "Breuer" Three Hundre:' Dollars (u300.00) Each `6o'holesaler" Four Hundred Dollars (:-400.00) Each "Retailer" Two Hun^red Dollars (u200.00) Each "Club or Unit of a Nationally i"ifty Dollars (w50.00 Chartered Veter,^ns 1,11 licenses issued in any year ^aL- expire on, tre 31st. day of December at midniF�ht of such ye,.r. Provided that a transfer of any such liceneee may },e made on anplic.tion of the City accompanied by satisfactory evidence of n .p_rov.l of th-, trrr.sfer of the 7.icense issued by th- State FoFlrc f Ecu, 1i tion of the State of :'.ontana for such business. S_.'CTION 2. An emergency is horeby declared to exist ar_^ the immediate passage of t}iis ordnance is hereby declared necessary for the peace, health and s;ety of the City of Kalispell and this ordinance shall be �:rd re::.• -in in full force and effect from and after its passa7e an7 Passe" by the, City Council �.nc arrroved by tie Layor this 22nd. day of December, 1Q47. D. S. CF,meron L:ayor ;,T`: E6T: C. H. Bremer City Clerk I, C. H. Br were Cit,,r C__^rk of -_he City of Kalispell, 1ontana, do hereby certify that o-? t'_-e 22nd d-�y of Decembor, 1947, I posted a cony of the forePoin" oi,oinance in ry office a-:_' the same remained Posted for L _eriod of five gays e.nd the fore,-.oin< is t-ue cony of the ordinance as p�.:�sei ' y ­- e C:ity Council. City C1erk of th-o Cit1 01 rialispellq `ontana