Ordinance 533 - Road and Street Taxes549 0?DIT'AT,'C P;J. �3,� Ar ORDIiir_PdCE='�[E'TDI:?G S:,CTIuN 112OF TIT REVISE— ORDI=ANCES OF 192PI R:e,=:_'Ti 1G TO 7.1'1TD A113 STR .ET Ti"XES, AND REPEALI'G S CTTONS 113 to 122, I'?CLTTSIQE OF S;.ID ORDINANCES. BE IT ENACTED 9Y TYE CITY" COUNCIL OF KALIS?ELL , 10_ITAI=A: Section 1. That bection 112 of the Revised Ordinances of 1"22^ be amended to read as follows: "General Street Leary. For the purpose of raisins revenue for rod, street and alley purposes, the city council shall annually levy and c-use to be collected a seneral tax upon the taxa?le property in the city of Kalispell of not less than two mills and not more thin eicht mills on the dollar, which sh-11 be payable to the county treasurer with other cenerrl city taxes." Section P. That Sections 113 to 122, inclusive, of said ordinances, relating to the levyins of a special Do-.1 tax be and the same hereby -re repealed. ' Section 3. This ordin_:nc< shall be in full force and effect thirty days from and after its passare and approval. Passed and approved by the City Council of Kalispell, iiontana, this 3rd day of 'Jarch, 1�47. D. S. Cameron Llayor Attest: C. _T?. 3renrer City Clerk I9 C. F. nrewer. City C-.erk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do here -by certify th=t on the 3rd day of 'larch, 1947, I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office and the same rem^ined posted for a nerio' of five days and the foregoing is a trze copy of the ordinance as passed by the City Council. City Clerk of the City of Kalispell