Ordinance 527 - Amends Ord 500 - Zoning Districts542 Zn x ORDINANCE NO. 527 AN ORDINANCE AlvBEKDING ORDINANCE NO. 500 RELATING TO ZONING DISTRICTS FOR BUSINESS, INDUSTRIAL AIND RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF hALISPELT, BBO'_'TANA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 500, passed and apppoved by the city council on February 5, 1045, relating to the zoning of the city into business, residential and industrial areas, be amended in the following particulars, to-iA:it: Section 2. That the portion of Section VI, designated as No. 2 Residence Districts a., be amended to read as follows: "a. All the territory within the city lying north of the following described line to -wit: Commencing at tl.e inter- section of the north boundary of Idaho Street east with the east boundary of the city; thence running .vest along said boundary of Idaho Street to the cent-r of the alley bet,.veen ":,Bain Street and First Avenue East North; thence notth along the center of said alley to the centerline of Washington Street E st; thence west along the center of .Vashingtcn Street to the 'Nest bound-ry of the city. Excepting from said area, however, the following: Lots 6 and 7 in each of block 19 21 3, and 4, and Lots 11 and 12 of Block 5, which are adjacent to Idaho Str-et; also exce_rting the unplatted area lying south of Blocks 10 and 11 of Duncan's Addition and the south fifty (50} feet of Blocks 10 and 11 of Duncan's Addition." Section 3. That said Section VI - No. 2 of said Ordinance No. 500 be amended by adding therto a paragraph describing ' the boundaries of a new residence district to be known ad "d.", as follows: "d. All that territory lying within the city which is bounded on the north by First Street .West; on the Fast by the 1,7est boundary of No. 3 Residence Distr.'ct b, on the South by 7th Str-et and by the city limits, and on the West byrleridian Road; also the territory embraced within Storm's Meridian Lots." Section 4. That Section VI, No. 3 Residence Districts a. be amended to read as follows: "a. 'lest half of six, except Lots 13 and 14: seven, except Lots 117 12, and 13; eight, except Lot 6 anA 7; nine, except Lots 6 and 7; ten, except Lots 6 and 7; eleven, except Lots l and 12; twelve, except Lots 1 and 12; thirt.=en e,-cept Lots 1 and 12; fourteen, except Lots 1, 2, and 1A; West half of fifteen except Lots 23 and 24; east half of sixteen except 1 and 2; seventeen, except Lots 1, 17 and 18; eight- een, except Lots 1 and 12; nineteen, except Lots 1 and 12; twenty, except Lots 1 and 12; one hundred forty-seven, except Lots 6 and 7; one hundred forty-eight, except Lots 6 and 8; east half of one hundred fifty, except Lot 1; one hundred fifty-one, except Lots 1 and 12; one hundred I fifty-two, except Lots land 12." Section 5. That section VI - No. 3 Residence Districts b. be amended to read as follows: "b. West half of one hund ed ten, west half of one hundred twenty-eight, one hundred twer_ty-nine, west half of one hundred thirty, west half of one hundred forty-five, one hundred forty-six, west half of one hundred sixty-one, one hundred sixty-two, one hundred sixty-three, one h'ndred 54e`) sixty-four, one h-ndred sixty-five, west half of one hundred sixty-six, west half of one hundred sixty-nine, one hundred seventy, one hundred seventy- ne, one hundred seventy-two, one hundred seventy-three, one hundred seventy-four, west half of one hundr d seventy-five, west half of one hundred seventy-seven, one hundred seventy-eight, one hundred seventy- nine, one hundred eighty, one hundred eight -one, one hundrdd eighty-two, one hundred eight-thr e, one hundred eighty-four, one hundred eighty-five, west half of one hundred eighty-six, one hundred eighty -sever., one hundred eighty-eight, one hundred eighty-nine, one hundred ninety, west half of two hundred eighteen, ._wo hundred nineteen; the Following clocks in Fisher's 1-ddition to Kalispell; two, three, four, west half of five, eight, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty; the followine Blocks, or parts of Blocks, in Western Addition of Kalispell; east half of Block three, Block four Block five, east half of Bock six, east half of Block seven, east half of block eight; the following Blocks in High School "ddition: fo7r, five, six, seven, eighth: nine, ter, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen." Section 6, That Section VI of said ordinance No. 5Co - No. 5 Business -Residence Districts - No. 5-A be amended as follows: By eliminating from No. 5-A the following blocks or parts of blocks therein mentioned to -wit: "Lots 7, F and 9 in two hundred thirty-one; west half of two 'undred thirty- two; east half of two hundred thirty-eight; east half of two hundred forty-one." Section %. That Section. VI - To. 5 Residence Districts 5-B, be amended ..s follows: By striking out and eliminating the following blocks or parts of blocks therefrom, towit: "west half of two hundred thirty-four; two hundred thirty- ' ' five; lot 1 in two hundred thirty-six, two hundred thirty- seven.'' Section F. "_do. 6 Industrial Districts sha'_1 'e amended to read as follows: "No. 6 Industrial District shall consist of the following City Blocks or parts thereof as numbered, to -wit: Blocks twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, eatt half of twenty-five, west half of twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty- eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, west hal" of thirty-three, east half of thirty-seven, west half of thirty-eight, one hundred fifty-three, one hundred fifty-fo r, one Yuncred fifty-five, one hundred fifty-six, one hundred fifty-seven, one hundred fifty-eight, one hundred fifty-nine; all of the area bordered by Railroad Street on the south, by -railroad Street Korth on the north, by Heridian Road on the west, and b7 Fifth Avenue East Borth on the east; also the un_nlatted area east of Fifth -venue East North, south of Vontnna Street, and north of Railroad Street; blocks 1, 21 and 17 of Western Add°tion and the area lying between sail lot 17 and :eridian Head." Section 9. This ordinance being of urgent and im=ediate ' necessity, an emergency is hereb declared and the same shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and approval. Passed and approved by the city council of halis el', T ntana, this 14th day of Febr7ary, 1047. D. S. Cameron Mayor Attest: C. H. Brewer City Clerk I, C. H. Brewer, City Clerk of the City of halispel'-, ".Mont., do hereby certify thot on the 140 day of Feb. 19477 I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office and the some remained Posted for a period of five days and the foregoing is a true copy of the ordinance as passed by the C ty Council. C ty Clerk of Kalispell