Ordinance 509 - Traffic and Travel463 — F T�_, D _:JTIL)J 1, C4 T 7nl '' -• r-.: i ram. f. `.3 __ _.... l r' 1.:=1 t _ a _ t ll.n 71 "n _. c Di _,r,, ..� - Of' C: SEl Kerr o'L-:_ 'i y n'- lily 1 11_�_ J;'� ]_' r"tC '-,6' 7 i:�'. _, •"-',r--, V ]_c LC t'i. r 1 site of foal 1:Drtl_ _�._.- __ .._ .._ - ;.+T`..i _- �..... 1.1 ....IL•, AA in, tke thirn (3rd) PNTF : r, -1 07 necti in - of t-in DpAinnoc a 7. Rod said iM`s snpil 12 -Mar tle annx-o=t. nn? c hru l of K- ChAV of Police. or 1MV07 MA"f W' police, of th- CKY OF nwilspell, I VKHOU 9. 7_&LATJ OF PATKIM T- I: MDT FAInTH LITCES. 7 � never a vehicle ',hall be no rked ! nr nn iWividusi n-TIM7 soacn, where n purkinq let-r W bran irs"Plied, the Orson pari:inq such 7ehicic shall QyQsit one cent coins, ir five cont coins of United ShMs none' in Wd narking, rater, nf such motel WSPIRYS a sjZnQ showing thA legni- puzLiroply pernitted in such denorit. M Vief of 9011col at Pctins Chief of "Wicel shri.1 In recar6or ce with the provision of Mis Ordinancel Mar - Mine the 14n7th or Me list parking is per"is.ible in any indiv2dual pprkVE 2nrc, '-Dr --ri,ic!ri a yqtpr is installed, open tie anuosit of onn cant or five rents i. tin iLrkin-, ,etnr us honein !afore provined. Hotic- to the public M11:1n niv en b: appoup-Inte signs settiry forth thu lonnth of time for which p2phlur fs y-rmitted, q 0 the cirditions Mereof, Phase Aw• Lk upon the orrkirg neter stnnd or in the immediate vicinity. Any vehicle WHL new,irs W an iWivilual -warlinp sp'cr Nfte- Lhe pposcyib- ed tiie for parkirZ, is horeby joWrolned to be 'lle-My jaryea! bat in no ovent n"Pli it be considered Aijo,nl paphing Qe wet,: display K-nal sboas that a nroper deposit WS been zVe fur such prrh' n, Th" Provlsions of Ms oWicnvce Mail not Rni" tr, vehicle s OWM or s,pnding ujhe cAty Hrects of toe City of Mispell in Qn con-eptQ arqvs L-rein Move i-f en such w0icies are p7rund or stnodinS on such streets betwer Mwe hours of siv p.m. in the even- ing, oTail nine P.m, the follovring morning of each neei day. The provisions of the ordinance shall not piply to Sundays and Hod ivays, provided however thrt noirp: Knrein contained 0:11 be so construed as to permit ell nig"t par?ing in the conyested rea. 1MMY 6. 01WVC7. W! pyr?jnn is prohibited in. any =rig. spoco whe"e n eetry in inst 11od Men Wspinys a signal Fhoning Wt pqrhipA is nit ynrmittej, urless s Cenusit of a one cqnt coin Pnd/or a five cant coin is made us herein urovided. inj vWicle narke-] in contravention of this provision shall is dmncl to be illegally parked under the 5rovislnnE of W"s GrAfrarce. The fact that a vehicle is in an 000- dual parkin c7 s]-,sco ,-r,,eoa the time signal on the ieter for the sane shows no parking permitted, no less P_ Keposit of a proper coin is main P5 nrreir provided, sip'! be deemed priTp facie evidence of Lhe volan- fully parhing of such motor vehicly by its oDerator or onmer, either or both. EXTION 7. It shall he unlawful rnd v viol-tiun of the provision of this Ordinance, for any person to cause, allow, permit, or soffer an7 volicle renistcre(. in the name of, or operrted y such person, to 're pyrked overtime or heyond the qoriocj of leral parking time est Wished for any D-rkirn Lwtpr zone an hnueD'a REcribed. 60TIM F. it shall he unirwful and a vAointion of the pnovisloons of tyls Ordinance for rny ye -son to We -wit a vaVele to rqmvin or be plpcp2 parkinprce ndjncent to Pny pErklnF -etpr -Mle spid pprAjD; metrr is Si. spirying a sianal indinatln�', that t"e velicle occupying such Darkirb­ sknce has PircKy been prrked heMond the period prescribed for such 0arkirq space. I 7 I 465 l:C•Ti Ji _��.17_ b<, *l_'ll'-ful ,Il,d .1. V-')l'"'t fit ._ t,,iS �r� n- Jr r iic J.i '. �`1=e7 l❑1-I _full 7i, ak of u:ref r .ln'3c of any ri7inr_ ;516'r?° �.iLE ender the �,rnv; s i � 1= ,1 f i-ts C� tnarlce. nl7 viol t— S of t F 1'O -.i1 t' ,�,_,��', �Tle c .ri i, e. n t t .-. Cl f r to . II!i l iB nuS x velliclf,' , ,,,,,�Jr - -- — "'"'>e dj`.C,-,t tc ,'-"C]1 �,aY�Si] 1T_ violation Of S1_ ?rovI-.,iDll s' _. r- r. II II 1r is 9i ti_^ J.iS �ii.1c Jr! lip nC'('. �...- 'C- rri - Ar>vi 1 �,-caltC� r _�_- �o + .IC-1 notice, t_; ti e fr roof _ti �r_ of the °�I�t sors of t_' r,;Q 7'.VI1 t� c•e, ,�rf; � �71, I ;_,�� .. .'e � ;__, "1"t.�of s p r c j. - or OnC'i SA 1 trc ' ice r- al t- c 9nr !II ar c i + o ^h e. t•_. o Our i 1 r r-r suer 0I^7i r'r Dris-rP, ]_T'-rtE'r T CT _l _>_ iv IJE JOIl J __�� ?rl •7l_'.�8 `f_-. .I. ,rOvis7 Drl- '� '.. 1 e,'G� 7 'Jr _ :� is _E'�,',^ _-�0 - •fl'7-Ctl Gn t''19? cOf'� t ft-7 r" l3 .ire "l-r of :a7 2" L - esi `n?.te IDr a _ -jr_ to collet t -e CO-- r_s Tn cGI CCa-ns. S,G1' 'T_ - •�i� Il� _ect Co'._ C� ul. - LOj o1 t2 - .:tFl t� `ecr CIT­T� 7 nd o trl e o 7 w- tl s red t! I r c 1"_e' Lc' : " -"-L . t iCri 11;o cc' zed lstrl ce- c ei. t in, n ­ C t f y lf Of- of to cxersld. t' J_ s �I ij �ori� 1 n or i E., _-)n 'fl, Jr- c. n or 0 i U -'L I J - I ',- i n l', f4 e on r _i,-11 D-I no ;11: r-c)cr by t J F u r (T' -ric -1, )f 'lv. I e orris )rle-r' f ""S' of t01,(7 'i r I E: f s t i e usr ir-J-1 j c" E c a'-_ Noth 4 n- 'r 4 1 - J. s 3 r" -1K I'l C P con,"! Che C! o f I s: el Vo- 4 J La il io­ -'rei­ (-)r restri c t d. r r 11.­0 C) J' j F" iiw or ol! J "tcrs )f ,--Crpj")TT 4 1 jS I e s to lnrl 'ic J J, c C, L- or t s of j s:l -Ile ler t V -y e c) T I PTI "ll I iC 7L r.1 t J, 4 ] d ji­�l C L�' tw crloacil 1946. L 'L. e,- t C. ti. Ci tly Cl ell, C. i "e C1'u77 M ­rk 0 _. tbO City f I 1. h—crIov t 4-r,! t b ay r3f T ("I C i-,eI e rs ted for I T,, e r i r) d f f t!r E. s a i,-,,.,Le (,,Cjpy If t`' (j 27 1 C p ejc tj '� cj ty 9AZ�WE_L/ l C 1 ty Cle- -1 ' � Ll� I