Ordinance 505 - Prohibits Disturbance of the Peace by Animals457 OLDINANCE'NO. 505 AN ORDINANCE PRO1{I1:3ITIIdG THE DISTURBANCE OF TEE PEACE .Y DOGS. CLICKEYS OR OTHER DOPIESTIC ANIIuTALS Oh FOi`IL i'.ND 0VT_L'I' G PFP .LTY FOT VIOLATION TT� L.EOF. n IT OLD[?IIdED ' Y 'I _l CITY COUNCIL OF `i'Hn CITY OF KALIZPELL, I',iOPI ' SECTION 1. Thet Section 569 of the Revised Ordin- ance of 102s of the City of Kalispell be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows; SECTION 11. It is unlawful for any person to own, k-ep, h-.rbor or maintain any dog or other animal, male or female, or any chic'._ens or other .omestic animals or foal r•:hich by loud Pnd frec_uent noise, such as barking, hording, yelp`ng, crowing or anyother noise or which in anyother ,eay or manner shDuld cause annoy- ance or distur'0ance to any person or persons within the City of Kalispell. SECTION 111. T'le owning, keeping, harboring or maintaining of any such don or other animal or chicken or other fowl in violation of the provisions of the foregoing Section of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be a n'ai.sance and any person or persons violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall. upon conviction thereof be punished b a fine of not less than rS.nO nor more than SECTIJ_' 1V. An emergenc77 is '-ereby declared to exist and this is herab;:- declared to be an Emergency Ordinance immediately necefs ,,y and safety of the City of Kalis for the ell and peace, he,lth shall be and ' remain in full force and effect from and .,�fter its passage and ap-roval. Passed by th City Concil and hpproved by the Mayor of the City of Kalispell this 5th day of Nov. 1S45. D. S. Cameron L".a,yor Attest: D. F. Brewer City Clerk I, C. re r, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, ::Zont-na_, do hereby certify thet on the sixth day of Novem?er, 10415, I hosted a cony of the foregoing or- dinance in my office and the same remained posted, for a neriod of five days cnd. the for=going is a true cony of the ordi-Fnce as pa.s�-ed by the City Council. City Clerk