Resolution 811 - Resolution of Intent - SID 183R3SOLUTTON 1-:0. 611. 'Rl 'ATE SY11' TT Ho. �SOLI.YTIOIE',' IYM�,-TTIUT TO GR)4, -� -1,CTAL DIST',nJCT 1 183. BT, IT J-6� SOILVJ,'_' E,Y T.t-, t CITY COUNCIL OY THT, C17Y OF Sention 1. That it is the intertion of the City Council of the City of Kxa.lispew. to (Xeate a specia -ii-qaovement, diotrict, hereby desiLyinted, as Special improvemont DisLriiA Yo. 18C and the b0ljrld.UrieS of uaid. proj)oued special improvement district are llerel)y (leclace d to be am follors: in Vae center of ViAn Street .i-t a point op-,imuite tile (°.enter of tbe in tnonce west Wrou1ji the conter of Ninta street to a point op"site toe center of t',je a,,Jl ey in Houk 121, thence nouth thCOUL,�,h the center of' the alley in -1-�1ocko, 121 and 137 to the center of 111everith str- eet, t1nence East through the center of cle:ientla street to a point oppot�ite Um center of' the alley in illock 20F� titemc,,e nortl-, the ,,,erter of t1le alley in Vocks 208 and 207 to the place, bet.;inrLing. Beni 2. 'hat the YnW.1 smxRoter of the to "be raa6e in SaJd, pl.,oposed- Special Impro"Ment District is cts follovf-,, towjj,: The layiylt> of 750 lirml Net of f! cast iron pipe Ul,,,,so� C or D vj��tor rii,lirl with !',ire 'hydrants, and other appurtenunces in -1-if-th avenve 1""et, cona-aena- ink; at the intersection of 9th street thence south to the of lith titre*eat® (Reference -,�ie-,-Pby to the original Resolution on fi.10 in the offie o(,, the City Clerk for -,,'7arther Paosed ftaxcb 7tli 1901. Approved, ,,,urch 7t-,,,, IU21 E . ji,. . , i,� ,uyor A. J ("ity Clerk.