Resolution 813 - Resolution of Intent - SID 185Resolution o--'.',Intention to orea.te Specie,], ly.,iprovoment District TIO. 185 T15-11 IT MSOLV)0-') .?,,Y THPPCITY CMJVC-IIL OF T'V, CTIY OF Sectinn 1. Miat it is intention 43C the City council of the City of Wispell to areote a Upeciul improvmnoy�t car strict, I-Iercjy c,essie.;rate( E"'s S-p'enial lnlpro",erent District kc. 165, anc, tl,,,.e bound'aries of the zn�xd iriprovement oisoict are ,iereby d.ecIzreC, to ble a's follOWS: EoymniMg in the center of M Street. at a point opposite tbe center of' the z3lley in 76, the: nce vje�-,t tILru the center of 4tkx strect to a point opposite the center of the alley in xJlock 75, thence south thru the center of t"),e ,--LIley in 7ti, , 86, 95, 1( 6 amo, 1.15 to the center of 9th -troet, thence east thru center of 9th street to a point oppooite the center of 11ock 116, thence horth thru the center of Blocks 116, 10b, 96, 65 and. 76 to the place of be6innirr Section 2. That the Zeneral ckvxacter of the in-ProvernOnts to be Made in sn,id propose. S"pec'i""I InIPTO-Verlen't -Di.2trict I.o Fus follow'g, to-77it: To resuri'ace the present bitu:minrnu; nacadari on t,�ain 0,treet from the center of fourt-,,c street to the center line of' 1,"intii street, 1,,,,)y tlaereon ;one J."orm of a bitumi-nous res,,uxf,.,,ce, or to c?ianq,1e the, width Of the preo,eiit priveriOult Icy piacAnb; a, cente,,r,P,TrRln,,strij.a tvieT�ty feet in viidth, with o, s, ineli convorete nab, froa th(,: of v;o� i t ,, t -jrtreot to Vne North side of ejQt : ztreet, exceptin,,; At tlae intenoeotion,,, of fifth, Kxth and sevwAh Meets. Suid street to be resurfaced ,tnd, selected front t1je fojldwim, end of bprovement. Resurface- and pj.acjng a bitmdrious viaeudsmi over tile surface of the entire street, or or kt,xue;trrai; a cen1be'r leaa,.r ii strip t,qitjj coyjcrete curbin�, parking to I)e t�ve-jaty feet in vildth, and resurf acinL!" and retopj.nL, t:kie balzance of the street be treen the ptirkin„ ij strip jmd the curloinf, wit.I., eoi.ie Corm of a bit - tarns noun pavement. (Reference is Ihc,,reby made to thm original I'P,-,zDllltion on file in the office of the City Clerk for fijrther jy!rticul,)A°S-) Vaose(i —axch 21st, 1921 A,,,q)ro,red 21,ot, 1921� E, F. a),�,y, ;Lctinr j,ayor. A. J� City Clerk.