Resolution 812 - Resolution of Intent - SID 184ln"SSMSIMV No. lqq�_ RNSOLUT101T OF 11!T!",TNTTICM To (21MAK SPE'01iJ, ITITPROVNT'],i:T J)1S'1MCT jm.164. BE IT RBSMV-TD J',Y TH',", CITY CO'U'3",CIL 0_10 CITY OF Seopicin 1. That it iu the inteldion OC the City COUXI(Al Of the MY A Kalispell to creVe a spacial improvement district, hereby desiMtze(i �"' Special Inrprovevynt 1ASHAct Ao® 254, ano th, e bouxid@,,rieo of t_ue OaaiJ proposed special imps ovemont district are he c�eGL)xed to be Ema Beginning at a point in the, center of th.ie alley in _'Block thence West U10M, sout_'r IJI'lle of Eailrond street to a point opposite the center of tile alley in Eloclt 35t1l�ence south, ti'au t"he center oi, tile alley in Blocks 35, 46, 55 and 66, to a point in the center of 4th street, thonce East thru the center of 4th street to a;poiyjt OPI0,Xte tho corter of the alley in.block 6,5, t1aence, -'uorth thru the center of tile ,).!ley ill 1r"1.o0T_,o' (,"5 56, 45 and 3C, to 1a1.ar,ce of beginning, Section 2. That the general character of i3,,,provejqcntF, to be 1:ia("',e in said proposed Special lmprover)ent Di,,-_atrict is as foljov.rs' to_'��d'jt; 110 tho prcent concrote pavement an Lain street :-ronj iFwae sout-',j i (, e of i�ailroad 6treet to the ce,,-€ter of fourth ­,treet by iala.ci r theieos ,, c>ornne foran. of a biti-.(AnoilO or Co'no"rete ')�',VUP'IeYlt, MI(I V_Ae3'eVer at the Ahersections -to ("11.ange the crossection of the present concrete pavement and to construct t1aerein and t1wreon, MAM lywins, inlet and drains. bald ,;treet to be paved r7;,ith jic.vement to i)e uelected, froTa the kini-lis of pverqerjt, to_jqj.t; Two inK grcx-el bitulithic to be laid', on top of tl,-le present con,,-rete Pavement, Two inch crusl'ned rack DiKaithQ to be Mid otl top oP Cue preaert Concrete paVeToent. Two inch bitwuhnous conmete pmvement to lbe laid on tol) of the prc�,ent concrete paverwnt. (Reference io he,,,,el,,y m-,de to the orkMal Molution an Me in vie Office Of the City Clexlc for a sPecific aescription M7 1; dd 10solution.) Pa,sq_ed C,Ioxcti 21,it, 1921 Approved 1-arch, 21st, 1921 A. JSh,,,A,w, City Cler,