Resolution 815 - Transfers Fundsm RGISOLUTION 1,T0. E15. A 'MIITRTATTMS IN llj--, CITY -1 BE IT fl�,']SOINIEM 1,Y Tli�, CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 011' ljALISPEML, IIONThl'A. Section 1. 'That the followirlc, ;unounts be tramsferre(l, fron. the Overpayi-aent and Adjuc,3trAant wuy'O to thO -1110120VIiM; Silecial T)�,,provement ijist- rict irunds for the purpo:3e of bala,,ncinl:-,,-, sald accounts. Special li,,zprovement 'Dist. No, 15,,' - ", i � 6 . C.) o llus,,e(l this 4th dl-ay of APril 1l,21- A11provu,d tlis 4th d:,l.y of Apvil 1921. R. P,'!,'aline, r,,jayor, .A. j. City Clerk'