Resolution 806 - Assessment - Maintenance District 1RRSOUUT 1: ON 806. - .--- t-- A Resolution estiymatin�: tile cost of Tmaintaining the i'qprfwerin'nts in reialri- tee District No. One of the City of fox, the, year 1920, and levy- in�-,� and assessing all the prolDerty rithin the 9.,.d.d !)istrict with the cost of maintaining such imr.provements. j!�B IT RRSOTA7111) mY T1111, c-LTY COUNCIL of 1"ia1 CITY OF KALISPELL, Section 1. The cost of maintaininC, the ir)provorieritc, in Llaintenance Dist- rict Yo. A. of the City of Kalicpell for the year 1920 is estinated. to be 03964.00. Section 2. A Tax is hereby levied and awessed izpon all th.e p,-roperty in s,,.idd maintenance district for the amount of the ostWwAed cost of 'talc inWdrin.f; t1ie therein, being apportioned to the several lots and parcels of land MUM the said dAyMict as Allms- (H('T�rOrce is Itereby vinde to the 0"191r1,n,1 Resoi'LAlon on file and of re- cord in ti'ie office of tiie 0.,Lty ulerk fol' a P,-cieclifio description of the prop- erty mentianed in the above Section 3. The tam lu,';-reby levied r)ec'()Tnes ('ie"'ATIquent at six C' cJ'oCj- P. on the iotlh dw;,y of 1',�Ioven,,Ioer 1920. Section 4. "eference is hereoy raa(.te to tne Resolution of 1ntention to create niaintenance iii,-,,trict ki.imil:,,er One for further perticuiars Introducea this thr,,, 27th dl�ty of' Sept. ,.,Pt for Oct. 4th, mt '-CO 01clock 11.j Atte�-,t: oT. FT. Christenoen, City Clerk, R. Adopter' this, the 4-t.a do,y of Oot. 1920. Approved. this the nth. ct-,y of Oct. 1920. Attest. JHChr!,,,tenser, City UlerkRllnuline' liayor.