Resolution 803 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 36TlESOLUTION TITO. 803. A Resolution e�3timatiiiL, the coot of Spe(,Aal Dist- rict Number Thi:,-ty Six of t1le City of E_-tji,-,pe11, for the Z7oar 11920, levying and assessing- all the property within the said with the, cost of lib � .YXta.nk said di. trict. B"115 IT RRIZIMTIV-217) BY THR, CITY COUNCIL 0-.1,P TITTCITY OF Section L. The coot of Li&lltinv: District Humber T.nirty Six of' the City of Ealispell, (,'or 1"he year 19210 is esitmated to be t`,66.00. Section 2. A tax is iierelby levied �,und -upon all. t'ae property in the li(htintr district for th.e Lmount o,t' the estiTin atC d co,,>t 0j, li,11'htinj; the streets therein by appnrtionint, to the severcl. Jotq r sld pp,r- eels of land -vithin t'ne iiaa.a,ca district. (Referemce is 'hereby raaade to tiie Reoolution on file arj(j of record j-21 the Office Of the City Clerk for n� Qppoific deocrnation, Of the property in tie above rientionecl. Section 3. 'rhe tax hereby levied beca,"ies celinqu(',Ylt at six o'clacR, F.V, an the 30th day of -Nover�iber 1920. Section 4. Reference is -riereby pj@s,,te to Eesolution of Intention to ere-ite Li�,`ating Distrit '�Iarmber Tllirty Six for lur -- rer particj.zj,� _-rs. Introduced Sept. 27tli, and 4et for Uearin�., Ccta 4th, 1920, at, 7-30 0 f clock Atte,9t. J. 11. Christensen, City Clerk. R. Vaulino, Tla�/Qr. Adopted this the 4th day of 00t. 1.920. Approved ti-iis the 4th, duy of Uct. 1920. Attest: JJ-. 11- chrL,.sten,Pn, City Clerk. R� P,,uline, 1,1oyor,