Resolution 802 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 35M -RESOLUTIQ 110. B0 A lieBolution the cont of ii;Ijtint Special li,"Jfting dist- riot nwTa)er L.airty 'five of the V ty of Kali owell , for the year 1.920 , qnd -levying and assessing all tl,.Le pr4yrty vAthVi the said dioUict 7ith the cost of .,aid district, BE IT MPISOLVSID J-3Y TiTII (;ITY COUNCIL 017 T11-fliI CITY OF KALISPELL, Section 1. '1hp cost of 14,,hting LiOAing District Nwaber Thirty Five o' the City Of Y>� I,icpell for tlne year 1920 is estiy,,,,ted to be Section 2. A tax is hereby levied Kind assessed 'upon all, theproperty in the said lioAing di&wrict for th.e runount of the estimated cw-,t of ligAing the streeto therein by apportioninq to the Bevwal lots t,.nd par- caln of land witlair tii.e Reference is hereby 2-na-,e to t1w original Resolution on filer and of record in the office of t1we My Clerk for a specific description of the property embraced_ in 'the above nentionp�l dio!-,rict.) Section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at sL� o'clock PA" an the Yjtl ay of Novenler 1920. Section 4. Heference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention to create -Lif��,,htinF -- � District "umber Thirty Five for further Particulars, Introduced Sept. 2M and set for lne,,-rin,.,, Oct. 4th, 1920, at 7-30 otclock 1I.N. Attest J. H. TwIstenaen, Uity Clerk. R. PULUline, I':aYor, Adopted this the 4th d:,ty of Uct. 1�)20. Approved this the 4th, d,y of Oct. 1920. Attest: J. H. Christenoen, City Clerk. R. Pauline, 1,1 yor.