Resolution 765 - Resolution of Intent - SID 177RESOLUTION NO. 765. RESOL-ITPION OF 1,1"ITENTIOIT TO CREUTE SPECIAL TUIIROTTZ'17,MT DISTRICT LT0J77 as IT RESOLVED BY THE-1 CITY CO-JT01L 0 � F HE CITY OF KALISR�%, 1,11ONTANA. 1 T Section 1. That it is the intention of the Git;y Council of the City of -Kalispell to create a special improvement district, hereby design - as Special Improver.qent J)istrict No. 177, and the boundaries of the said proposed special improvement district are .hereby declared to be as follows: Comi,.i.encing at the Eorthvie.st corner of lot I block 126, thence south in a direct line in line with the eastern boundary of the alley in ssjici block 128 to the soutloriest corner of lot 6 block 128, thence east along, the south boundary line of lot 6 blool, 12B and lot 13 block 11219 to the sout'lueast corner of lot 13 block 129, tLience north in a direct line in line with the western boundary of the alley in said 'block 129 to the northeast corner of lot 18 'block 129, thenoo ,,,je,,-,terly alon6 the north boundary of lot 18 block 129 and lot 1 block 128 to the place of Section 2. 4-hat the �1eneral char,,i.oter of the ix,,iprovernents to be riiade in said proposed Special Improvement 7District is as follows, The grading and gravelling and the conotruction of parkin;-, otrips and planting of trees on second avenue west for)n ninth to tenth streets, and the construction of curbin6 alon,, the parkini; strips - Section 5. '.cheat the apporix-Loate cost of said improver,ients is $2126.61 Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improvenielits, includin,�- street and alley intersections, shall he assessed against the entire district, each lot or Parcel of land witi-Iin sue-h (.1i0trict to be ass- essed for that part of the whole cost jvijjc-q its area, bears to 'the area of the entAre district excliAsive of streets, dleys and pubjj,c places. Section 5. That said assessrient shall be paid for in five equal entnn- ual installments hereby ex -ended over a period of five yeFars® c3,1,id assess- ments shall constitute a fusel to be known as Special I rill., r Ovelrlent Di;etrict Fund No. 177. Section 6. That said ir'Provements sliall be Paid, for in Special. Im- provement DistVict Coupon Warrants issued a�ainst said district in t.,rle SUM of $100.00 each, bearing interest at 6 per cont, Per annxn from the date of resittration until called for redemption or paid in full, interest payable annually on the first day of 'anuary of caci-i yeajr, ;payable' ,five: yea"'rB from date and redecrqable at any time tiicre are funds to tlie credit of such im- provement -L)L.-,trict lilun(�, available therefor; the interest coupons attacned to tech warrants to bear the fac-simile signatures of the Kayor and Clerk. Section 7. Thai; on the 5 day of July 1920, ,,it the Council Chambers in the city hall of the City of Kalispell, Montana, tt 7;30 o'clocic, P.11. a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pas,., upon all protests that may be made against the amkin-- of such improvements or the creation of such district. Section S. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by publicationand mailing as required by law, such public ation to be made in the Interlake a daily newspaper pbulislhe& in the city of halisipell. Passed June 14th 1.920. Approved June 14th, 1920. R. Pauline, sjiayor. J . il. Christensen, City Ulerk.