06-25-90 Public Works Comm MinutesPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 25, 1990 7:00 a.m. • Present were Chairperson Moses, Councilman Gunnerson, Councilman Granmo, Councilman Buck, Mayor Hopkins, PWC Hanson, S/W Supt. Van Dyke, Street Supt. Brady, Surveyor Zavodny, Tony & Terri Quinnell, Mr. and Mrs. Al Larned, and Carmen Timmerick. INTERSECTION OF 1ST AVE. W. & 18TH ST. - Purdy's Trailer Court Fence Mr. Larned has repaired the fencing several times at Purdy's Trailer Court due to cars hitting the fence. He expressed concern for tenant safety. The City has suggested a possible solution of installing a guard rail. Mr. Larned requested the City to install a guard rail at the intersection. Street Supt. Brady stated a used guard rail is available in Missoula at a cost of approximately $800.00. Mr. Timmerick is willing to give eight feet of his property to the City for roadway purposes in exchange for work done to square the remaining property. The Committee agreed to pursue the project and requested the Public Works Staff to estimate costs for street reconstruction and to incorporate a guard rail, change in radius, or other form of protection into the project and report back to Committee in two weeks. BARRIER NEXT TO CATTLEMAN'S - 1ST AVE. W. The Committee agreed to address eliminating access from The Cattleman's to 1st Ave. W. and incorporate this issue into the 1st Ave. W. project for resolution. • SOMERS PROJECT - MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Mayor Hopkins stated a memorandum of understanding is standard practice for the State Highway Dept. when entering into a project within a city limit jurisdiction in order to work with the governing agency on points of concern. Surveyor Zavodny, Parks Director Baker, Chief Clark, and City Attorney Neier have all reviewed and commented on the document. Based upon the comments, the document was rewritten by the state and forwarded back for review and approval. C. Granmo moved to recommend to Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. C. Buck seconded and the motion carried with all in favor. Adjourned: 7:56 a.m. ss