06-12-90 Public Works Comm MinutesPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 12, 1990 7:00 a.m. Present at the meeting were Chairperson Moses, Councilman Gunnerson, Councilman Buck, Mayor Hopkins, Street Supt. Brady, S/W Supt. Van Dyke, Surveyor Zavodny, and Dr. Schulz. DR. SCHULZ Drainage Problem - 720 2nd St. E. Dr. Schulz has in the past requested that a culvert be installed in his top entrance to solve a runoff problem. The water would be diverted into the creek, which is the overflow of the Woodland Park lagoon. The question of city responsibility/liability in regard to runoff was referred to the city attorney and back to committee for possible resolution. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH STATE The draft agreement was drawn by the city attorney, reviewed and revised by the state. The costs, responsibilities are the same. C. Gunnerson moved the Committee recommend to council at their next meeting to adopt, approve, and authorize the mayor to sign the agreement. C. Buck seconded the motion. With all in favor the motion carried. SOMERS TO KALISPELL PROJECT This memorandum of understanding has been reviewed by the staff and as a result of staff comments the state has incorporated new language to be considered for approval. STRIPING AGREEMENT After considerable research, an agreement pertaining to striping cannot be found. An agreement is being drafted by the state at this time. RECOMMEND CURB & SIDEWALK BID (GENERAL) Of the two bids received, the public works staff recommends the bid award go to Sandon Construction as low bidder. C. Gunnerson so moved. C. Buck seconded the motion. The bid tabulation and award recommendation was based on what a homeowner may request for sidewalks in front of their residence, 250 sf sidewalk, excavation for 4" thick sidewalk. It is estimated that 70% of the value of the contract will be sidewalk, 20% will be curb, and 10% miscellaneous. With all in favor the motion carried. GRIFFIN PARK PROCEEDS (Airport Debt) Appeals have been made to the Parks Committee x regarding the proceeds from the sale of Griffin Park and one suggestion has been to apply the proceeds to the airport debt. City Attorney Neier has given legal opinion in that the settlement of the airport debt is an eligible activity. Minutes reflect that return of revenue sharing money has been promised the parks dept., as well as completion of Begg Park as a moral obligation. Paying off the airport debt has been discussed but not decided. C. Gunnerson moved the proceeds from the sale of Griffin Park be used to retire the airport debt. C. Buck seconded. Discussion took place regarding other proposed uses of the proceeds. The motion carried with all in favor. SECOND STREET WEST PROJECT The Tax Increment Funding Committee recommended the public works budget request of $490,711 for the fy 1990-91. The understanding is that if the Public Works Committee recommends to council the acceptance of the budget as approved by TIF, work can begin on storm drain and water installation for 2nd St. W. project (Sykes area project). PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Page 2 SECOND STREET WEST PROJECT (Cont) The following points of discussion were made regarding concrete costs for the Sykes project. The TIF Committee moved to recommend to council the fy 1990-91 budget request with two stipulations: 1) the dollar amount is for fy 1990-91 only and not to be considered the budget amount established for following years, and 2) the city not pay for sidewalk repair/replacement. This motion passed unanimously. Mayor Hopkins presented a draft policy relating to sidewalk replacement within the tax increment district. C. Moses suggested to include -- due to specific construction requriements, the city must replace sidewalk that is in good repair then the city can absorb the cost of replacement. Surveyor Zavodny stated he believes not only tax increment, but the entire city needs a basic policy. Past practice is to replace sidewalks at the expense of the city if the sidewalk was in good condition prior to onset of construction. Even though the 8- year assessment program allows persons to pay off public improvements over a period of eight years an interest rate is attached to the payment. After considerable discussion the committee decided to accept the policy as a draft and change five foot sidewalks to six foot sidewalks to address most of the residential area. It was agreed to change the policy to a city policy and bring the draft policy before the council for discussion. The committee agreed to recommend to the council the approval of the tax increment budget for the 2nd St. W. project to proceed. The first budget request to tax increment included 100% tax increment funding of sidewalk. The request was reduced to 50% on May 10, 1990. The recommended budget from TIF did not include funding for sidewalk. Mayor Hopkins will re -draft the policy to reflect a general city-wide policy and include a section relating to tax increment for council review. The committee requested Surveyor Zavodny to make the mandatory replacement decisions according to traditional unwritten policy for Sykes and report back to committee with recommendation of cost to be added to the tax increment budget to continue the policy. This issue plus the shared cost issue will be recommended to council at the meeting of July 2, 1990. If council will approve in concept and for further discussion a general city policy for sidewalk replacement, it could be applied to the Sykes project and tax increment would be the funding source. Mayor Hopkins suggested the issue stay in committee and request for full budget to include sidewalks and decide policy for sidewalks at a later date. The council should be made aware that TIF has recommended through their committee approval of the budget without sidewalks. ALLEY CLEANUP CREW The Committee agreed to hire one truck driver and one seasonal laborer to conduct alley cleanup for nine months. Adjourned: 9:25 a.m. ss