05-14-90 Public Works Comm MinutesPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES
May 14, 1990 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: Chairperson Moses, Councilman Gunnerson, and Councilman Granmo.
• Others Present: Mayor Hopkins, Street Supt. Brady, and Surveyor Zavodny.
RON PACK Discussion took place regarding the acceptance of the proposed roadway
for the Westwind Village Apartments. The Committee agreed that if the road is
built to serve one property without general access, the city will not accept the
road. If access were given, or if the road were built through immediately,
or if right of way were deeded, the city would strongly consider accepting the
road. If the road is not built to city standards it will not be accepted.- The
Committee requested Mayor Hopkins to respond to the request by letter.
MERIDIAN ROAD Surveyor Zavodny reported on the status of Meridian Road in
regard to schedule, stop & crosswalks, the intersection of Meridian and Center St
and the cost of signing, which is an additional budget request of approximately
$5,000.00 in the 1990-91 FY and not included in preliminary budget.
Surveyor Zavodny stated Mr. Himsl has requested the city pay for the curbing along
his property at Meridian and Center and he will provide easement for an additional
lane. C. Grano moved the city incur the cost of the curbing and obtain an easement
or deed for the property. C. Gunnerson seconded. With all in favor, the motion
ALLEY PAVING POLICY Discussion took place regarding specific costs for alley
paving. C. Gunnerson recommended that adjacent property owners be charged actual
time, materials, and equipment costs for paving alleys. Street Supt. Brady will
provide estimates to the property owners. Each resident will be responsible for
• their alley approach.
Mayor Hopkins will incorporate the changes into the draft policy, which will be
presented for acceptance at the council meeting of May 21, 1990.
MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH STATE The Agreement will be returned for council
approval at time of completion.
BANNER FEE No recommendation at this time.
STREET CONSTRUCTION C. Moses presented the list of streets proposed for maintenance.
A request has been made to prioritize the list and incorporate additional areas.
Street Supt. Brady briefly explained reasoning for maintenance requested on the
listed streets.
Discussion took place in regard to street maintenance priorities and funding. The
Committee requested Street Supt. Brady to prioritize the list for street maintenance,
incorporate all needed areas, and consider traffic flow and condition.
Adjourned: 7:05 p.m.