03-12-90 Public Works Comm MinutesPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 12, 1990 7:10 a.m. Attendance: Chairperson Moses, Councilman Granmo Others Present: Mayor Hopkins, DPW Hammer, Surveyor Zavodny, Street Supt. Brady, Asst. S/W Supt. Allen, Jack Fournier, Keving Mohl of A-1 Paving, Errol Coulet of KOIS Bros. BID RECOMMENDATION The Committee agreed to recommend the Hot Mix bid to NuPac. Mr. Moh1 spoke regarding the rental of A-1 Paving equipment, paver, trucks, etc. C. Moses will contact other Committee members to award the bid to both asphalt suppliers. C. Granmo moved to recommend to Council the following recommendations for award: Truck Rental -- Knoll Trucking @ $36.25/hr General Excavation -- Curtis & Curtis @ $55.00/hr Automated Refuse Collector -- KOIS Bros. @ $103,958 C. Moses seconded the motion. The motion passed. STREET RECONSTRUCTION C. Moses presented figures on reconstruction which will be given to the Community Development Committee as public works request for tax increment funding. 6th Street West will be referred to the Sewer and Water Committee for recommendation to request bids for materials. Adjourned: 8:00 a.m. • ss