Resolution 766 - Resolution of Intent - SID 178I
R230L1JTI0N No. 766.
.BE IT RESOLUM), by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, 1,10ratana:
Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City
of Kelispell to create a special improvement district, hereby desiGnated
as Special Improvement District .No. 178, And the boundaries of said pro-
posed special improverient distict are hereby declared to be as follows;
Coim,encing at the Northwest corner of lot 12 block 157, thence south along
the east side of 8th avenue west to the center of St1i street, thence east
along the center of 8th street to the west bounIary of ?t?l avenue west,
thence iiorth along the west side of 7th avenue -yrest to the northeast cor-
ner of lot I `,Aoclk 157, thence West along; the north boundary of block 1,57
to the place of beginning'.
Section 2. That, t'ae -General character of the improvements to be
made in said proposed Special Improvement I)itri t is as follows, to -vita
The construction of a sanit,,,try sewer with man holes, larip holes, fluslL
tanks and other a-- ppurtenances, coymiencingr at the point of intersection of
the alley in block 157 wita the south line of Railroad street, thence
south through t-he alley in blocks 157-1C2-165-170-174-l'?9-184-189 to coon
ect with the ewer in the center of eifjith street.
Section 3. That the approximate cost of said improvements is 1�16389.71
Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improvements, in-
cluding street and alley intersections, shall be assessed against the enti�xe
district, each lot or parcel of land within Mich district to be, assessed
that -part of the whole cost 'mhich its L4rea bears to the area of the entire
district exclusive of streets, alleys and public placeE,,
Section 5. That said assessi-(ient -hall be paid. for in five equal annual
installments Inereby exteiicled over a Period of five years. Siad assousr,;,nts
shall constitute a fund, to be known as Special I-Pro-"renient District FlAnd no
Section 6. That said improvements shall be paid. 'or ' 11
in Spe,ciai ]"mprove-
Ment District Coupon Warrants issued aL,,,ainot saiI 6iotrict in the sJua of
$100.00 each, bearing interest at 6 por cent per antrum from the date of re-
gistration until called for redemption or paid in full, interest payable
annually on the firot day of january of ea year, payable five years from
date and redeemable at any time there are funds to It'lle credit of such Im-
Provement District Fund available therefor; the interest Coupons attached
to such warrants to bear the --r 4-1 _._ -
Section 7. 'hat on the 5 day of July 1920 at the Council Chas bers in
the City "all of the- City of 1i,alispell, Ili-ontana, at 7:30 o'clock P.Y. a re6-
Ular -meeting, tile City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that njay
be rqade against the ,aja2cijle, of such irnprovenients or the creation of such dist,
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give
the proper notice of the pa:;sage of 'Ghis resolution by Publication and mail -
in_ as required by law, such publioation to be made in the Daily Interlake,
a daily newspaper published in the City of Kalispell.
Passed June l4th, 1920.
Approved June l4th, 1.920.
R. Pauline, Mayor,
J. 11. Christensen, City Clerk