06-23-89 Public Works Comm Minutes-June 23, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES 9:00 A.M.
Attendance: Chairman Hopkins, Vice Chairman Cunnerson, Councilwoman Hafferman,
Councilman Schindler.
Others Present: Mayor Kennedy, DPW Hammer, S/W Supt. Van Dyke, Surveyor Zavodny.
S. MERIDIAN ROAD - COST ESTIMATES DPW Hammer presented and explained the design and
cost estimations for S. Meridian Road. The cost estimates are as follows: A. Street
Reconstruction = $66,443.04, B. Storm Drainage = $27,013.57, C. Water Main =
The cost does not include City of Kalispell employee wages and benefits, overhead,
equipment and trucks, design, construction management, inspection, etc. The cost for
water main includes materials, installation, design, etc. (Total project cost) The
cost for storm drainage includes materials and excavation only - does not include land
acquisition, retention structure and outfall design or construction costs.
DPW Hammer explained possible funding sources for street reconstruction. Although the
Street Dept. budget has not been approved for 1989-90, he can anticipate Special Street
Maintenance and Gas Tax materials to total approximately $108,000. He then explained
the water fund could appropriately be charged for reconstruction at 1/3 and storm sewer
for 1/6. This will total approximately $33,000. The Street Dept. could expect to
have approximately $75,000 in materials to operate outside the tax increment district
for the entire year.
C. Schindler questioned if money is available to transfer from water and storm. DPW
Hammer responded yes. There is $440,000 beyond operating expenses in the water dept.
available every year for projects.
C. Schindler questioned if the street dept. could oeprate one year with $75,000 for
materials. DPW Hammer responded yes, $75,000 could be used for necessary overlays -
30 blocks of overlays or 15 blocks of reconstruction or any combination thereof.
DPW Hammer discussed the possibility of County assistance. He advised the Committee
of involvement of the T.A.C. Committee and the State's willingness to participate in
S. Meridian Road only if they can lower N. Meridian Road on the priority list and
replace it with Whitefish Stage Road. DPW Hammer advised against this option.
C. Hopkins volunteered to assist by discussing the issue with the Commissioner's office.
Surveyor Zavodny advised the Committee that storm drainage is not possible without
obtaining a site for a retention structure. The site in mind is not owned by the
City. It is owned by M. Walter & Company as is stated in the attached letter from Hersman
Land Survey.
Discussion took place regarding road width, sidewalk installation, retention basin,
payment responsibility for curbing.
The Committee decided the design should reflect the narrowing of the street to compensate
for the minimum allowable sidewalk to be installed on the east side of the street.
DPW Hammer will research sidewalk requirements.
DPW Hammer informed the Committee that the street can be wider by the Army Reserve
and the school as the property owners have already agreed to the expansion of right of
way. The Committee agreed with the concept.
• Surveyor Zavodny expressed his concern for time frame. Engineering service proposals for
the water main have to be advertised, received, and awarded; curbs and sidewalks ordered;
resolution of who will pay for curbs and sidewalks, etc. The storm drain retention site
has to be obtained, the structure designed and constructed.
Page 2
Surveyor Zavodny advised the Committee there is several hundred feet of County property
abutting Meridian Road. The City cannot order curbs for County property. The County
may be willing to pay for curb through negotiations. The cost estimate provided to the
• Committee includes only the City share of curbing and additional concrete. Sidewalk
is beyond this cost.
C. Schindler stated before a decision can be made two things need to be addressed, i.e.,
1) Ownership of property for the retention site, and, 2) Negotiation with the County
regarding curbing.
C. Gunnerson expressed concern for postponing any portion of the project. The Committee
can recommend that Council approve the project and design based on the contingency that
resolution of negotiation with the County and property ownership are accomplished.
C. Hopkins stated if the contingencies are listed and the public realizes the
contingencies, the process may move more expediently with public support.
The Committee suggested Mayor Kennedy and Surveyor Zavodny work together to discuss
the situation with the owner of the property. Mayor Kennedy and Surveyor Zavodny agreed.
C. Schindler questioned if the Committee agrees that $75,000 is enough for the Street
Dept. to oeprate for the entire year.
C. Gunnerson stated priorities need to be listed and put in perspective. S. Meridian
is a priority item and the Street Dept. will have to work with the remaining $75,000.
DPW Hammer stated he could defend S. Meridian as a priority.
C. Hopkins requested DPW Hammer to have Meridian Road as priority and list other outside
• tax increment projects which could be completed with remaining funds. At this point
Meridian can be evaluated on a priority and project basis.
DPW Hamner reported a three year maintenance and reconstruction program is completed
for tax increment. This is contingent upon approval of KDC and the Council. He is now
working to complete a three year program for the area outside the tax increment.
DPW Hammer then listed contingencies to be resolved as follows:
1. Sidewalks - narrowing road to 30'
2. Continue with wider width by Army Reserve and school
3. Notify telephone company
4. Responsibility for payment of sidewalks and curbs
5. Time line for engineering
6. Time line and budget for water main installation
7. Resolution of the retention structure site
8. Negotiation with County
C. Furlong expressed his concern for keeping the street as wide as possible.
C. Gunnerson moved the Committee recommend to Council to approve the project based
upon resolution of the contingencies. C. Schindler seconded. With all in favor, the
--«,-- ----,_a
DPW Hammer requested to meet with the Committee the week of June 26, 1989 to provide
the Committee with a report of funding.
• C. Hopkins suggested DPW Hammer write a report outlining contingencies and address funding.
Mayor Kennedy reported that a problem with Equity Supply RE: curbs ordered has been
resolved and the owner is willing to cooperate.
Adjourned: 10:00 A.M. ss
John "Ed" Kennedy, Jr. A/t Xi�G1�
Mayor I`ura
(406)752-6600 S9.l903-1JOa-1JJ7
DATE: June 22, 1989
TO: Public Works Committee
FROM: Public Works Staff
SUBJECT: S. Meridian Road Reconstruction/Cost Estimates
S. Meridian Road Excavation
11640 Cu. Yds. @ $69.00 hour
11640 Cu. Yds. divided by 85 Cu. Yds. hour
= 136.94 hrs
136.94 hrs @ $69.00
Total estimated excavation costs
S. Meridian Road Truck Rental
Excavation - 2 trucks/10 hrs. day/12 days @
$35.00 hr.
Paving - 2 trucks/10 hrs. day/4 days @ $35.00 hr.
Total estimated truck rental costs
S. Meridian Road Crushed Gravel
1658.70 tons @ $3.00
10% contingency 166 tons @ $3.00
Total estimated crushed gravel costs
S. Meridian Road Curbing Installation
Total estimated curbing required
5,600 Lin Ft
City pay curbing
1,925 Lin Ft
A) Replace existing 2nd to 4th Streets
1,190 LF
B) Armory
335 LF
C) Radius
400 LF
*S. Meridian Road Reconstruction/Cost Estimates
June 22, 1989
Page 2
S. Meridian Road Curbing Installation Continued...
County residents abutting S. Meridian
City residents abutting S. Meriidan
City of Kalispell
County residents
S. Meridian Curbing Estimated Curbing Costs
1,925 Lin Ft @ $5.35
1,174 Lin Ft @ $5.35
City residents 2,501 Lin Ft @ $5.35
*Total estimated curbing costs
*Includes labor - installed by private contractor
Additional Concrete Reauirements
95 LF valley gutter @ $13.33 LF
750 Sq Ft concrete driveway replacement @ $2.00/SF
*Total estimated additional concrete costs
*Includes labor - installed by private contractor
S. Meridian Road Storm Drain Installation
Five manholes @ $433.80 each
Seven catch basins @ $224.80 each
1010 Lin Ft 15" PVC pipe @ $8.33
175 Lin Ft 8" PVC pipe @ $4.95
Pipe bedding 180 tons @ $2.95
Excavation - 5 bra @ $69.00
*Total estimated storm drain costs
1,174 Lin Ft
2,501 Lin Ft
$ 1,266.67
$ 2,766.67
$ 2,219.00
zi a nn
*Materials and excavation costs only - does not include land acquisition,.
retention structure and outfall design or construction costs.
S. Meridian Road Water Main Replacement
12" water main 2,600 LF @ $24.60 $63,960.00
7 fire hydrants $2,326.79 each 16,287.53
41 services $703.39 each 28,838.99
13 valves $250.00 each 3,250.00
Sub total $112,336.52
5% Contingency 5,616.83
•Sub total $117,953.35
10% Design 11,795.33
*Total estimated water main project costs $129,748.68
*Includes materials, installation, design, etc. (Total project cost)
S. Meridian Road Reconstruction/Cost Estimates
June 22, 1989
Page 3
S. Meridian Road Asphalt
S. Meridian Rd 2083 tons @ $16.80 $34,944.40
Side street approaches 162 tons @ $16.80 2,721.60
Driveways & alleys 41 tons @ $16.80 688.80
5% Contingency 114 tons @ $16.80 1,915.20
Total estimated asphalt costs $40,320.00
Estimated Cost Summary:
A. Street Reconstruction - Funding; Gas Tax, Special Street
1. Excavation
2. Truck Rental
3. Crushed Gravel
4. Asphalt
Sub total
B. Storm Drainage - Funding; Storm Assessment
1. Storm Drain (does not include retention structure)
2. Curbing & Additional Concrete
Sub total
C. Water Main - Funding; Water Operating
1. Water Main (total project)
*Total estimated costs
$ 9,448.94
Sub total $129,748.68
*Does not include City of Kalispell employee wages and benefits, overhead,
equipment and trucks, design, construction management, and inspection, etc.
Tiersman Land Survey
. P.D. sox 225
Somers, Montana 59932
(406) 657-3563
April 17, 1969
rrcd Zavodny, City Surveyor
public •corks Department
City I1a11.
icalisncll, tAT 5`.%903
P•li: Status of the small triangle north of the centerline of
M hley Creek, southeast of the T?/W of PSontana Hwy. 404,
and west or the west boundary of Section 18.
Dssar Fred:
As ncr /our rcouest this is what we have found out in our
research as to the status; of said triangle.
On r'ar.ch 5, 1£91 the plat or ASBLEIY was approved by the r•Iissoula
county Commissioners. The developer was William E. Daggett, who
was the owner of r:evernmcnt L,ot 3 in Section 18, T28N, R21t7. On
the plat of Ashley, the dedicated rain Street (now Meridian Road)
was shown to be 60 feet in width. 30 feet being in Section 18
• and 30 feet beinn in section 13. The records do not indicate
that rar.Daggett ever owned the land in the NJR1/4SF1/4 of said
Section 13. Furtherth^_rc was no con3ent given on the face of the
Plat by the owner of said p1El/dSEl/4, one David J. Plume, for
the westerly 30 feet to become [gain street. Title of that
westerly 30 feet should be held in the successors in interest of
,Ir. Plume.
On Paac it of the Flathead County Surveyors leather bound book at
the Flathead County Courthouse, the County Surveyor in October of
1897 surveyed a portion of what is now the bcginninq of r•?ontana
Highway It' 404. 11e started at the northeast corner of the
southeast quarter of said Section 13 and went south 3.10 chains
(204.6 feet), thence South 370 ilest. This alignment would fall
on the existing pavement of the Present Highway f404. This would
seem to indicate that stain Street of A.SHLEY might not have been
used south of the top of the existing bank at the intersection of
now Meridian Road and 7th Street West.
The triangular parcel in Question is bounded by the following
Lhrcc oarccls. On the northwez;tcrly side the state of Montana
has ourchased right—cf—wav deeds from the owners in the
tJP,l/4SI'l/4 of said Section 13 that would extend to the Section
line between Sections 13 and 18. South of the centerline of
Ashley Creek is being claimed by Henry and r!ary Wiersma. The 30
feet of Hain ^street in ASHLEY is on the east. The triangular
• parcel is shaded in red on a cony of a section of the As —Built
survey we have just urepared for your office. The triangle
contains 0.074 acres or 3234 square feet.
• Pag c 2
April 17, 19R9
Fred Zavodnv, City Surveyor
The plat room at the Flathead County Courthouse indicates that
said triangular parcel is owned by M. Walter & Company, as
recorded in Book 531 page 525 records of Flathead County.
In order to aouire title to this parcel a Retracement Certificate
of Survey would have to be prepared with the purpose being "A
parcel divorced by a State Highway." This should be exempt from
both Health Gco_artment and Subdivision regulations. Then a deed
from M. Walter & Canpany would be accepted for recording at the
It you nave any questions about the above concerned matter please
give me a call.
Sin erely,
by: Daniel P. Brien, PLS
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