04-12-89 Public Works Comm Minutes1 i April 12, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES 8:00 A.M. Attendance: Chairman Hopkins, Vice -Chairman Gunnerson, Councilwoman Hafferman. Others Present: Mayor Kennedy, DPW Hammer, City Accountant Robertson, Surveyor Zavodny, Construction Inspector Van Dyke, Street Superintendent Brady. STREET RECONSTRUCTION DPW Hammer presented and explained the 1989 Street Reconstruction & Maintenance Program Priorities and 1989 Street Reconstruction Funding Ending June 30, 1989. (Copy Attached) C. Hopkins stated he polled three of the remaining Councilmembers regarding the street reconstruction program and C. Nystul is not in favor of reconstructing South Meridian Road and would like to see more involvement of the state. C. Gunnerson stated he has received input from individuals who work, have businesses, and pay taxes within the city. All believe the city needs to provide the necessary improve- ments on South Meridian Road. Discussion took place regarding reconstruction and costs for South Meridian Road. Street Supt. Brady informed the Committee this road is the route for hauling for the Southwest project. DPW Hammer stated load limits should be set for certain streets. C. Gunnerson moved the Committee authorize the Public Works Staff to conduct a load limit study and prepare a scheme for the streets. C. Hafferman seconded. The motion Surveyor Zavodny presented and explained a survey of the right of way claimed adjacent to Meridian Road from Appleway Drive to the bridge on Ashley Creek. The next decision to be made is to either contract surveying and design or conduct this in-house. C. Gunnerson • stated utilizing in-house surveying and design is not expending any additional dollars, the funds have been budgeted. C. Hafferman questioned if the Street Reconstruction Program for 1988 has been completed. DPW Hammer stated the presented list consists of the remaining streets which were approved for the 1988 Street Reconstruction Program. He stressed the need for a five year capital improvement program in order to appropriate funding for projects. C. Hopkins questioned why maintenance was not completed in the Northridge subdivision. Street Supt. Brady stated overlaying Sherry Lane was the only item not completed. Maintenance consisted of pre -leveling, crack sealing, overlaying, and rebuilding an intersection. DPW Hammer explained the attached Summary of the Street Reconstruction & Maintenance Program and recommended the Council adopt a solution similar to Option 1. In addition, he recommends hiring three seasonal employees. C. Gunnerson moved South Meridian Road in its entirety be completed this year as stated in Option 1. C. Hafferman seconded the motion on the basis that the streets on the 1988 Street Reconstruction Program are completed. C. Hopkins questioned if South Meridian is reconstructed by August or September is enough money remaining for maintenance outside the Tax Increment District. DPW Hammer responded yes, if Option 1 is approved a schedule will then be prepared. Surveyor Zavodny advised the Committee of a potential title problem within the Meridian right of way at Ashley Creek. This portion of the right of way may be required for storm drainage structures. w April 12, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES Page 2 r1 • 0 Surveyor Zavodny requested the Committee to authorize a report from the Surveyor who conducted the survey on South Meridian Road. The Committee responded in favor. C. Hopkins requested C. Gunnerson to amend his motion to state the Committee's intent is to see South Meridian completed this year based upon the review of the final desig plan and costs. C. Gunnerson amended his motion as such and C. Hafferman concurred. With all in favor the motion carried. DPW Hammer stated the Public Works Staff will plan on reconstructing South Meridian and will inform the Committee of progress. C. Hopkins stated the information obtained should be reported to Council for discussion. C. Hopkins questioned the possibility of contracting 6th St. W. as an opportunity to obtain comparative costs for contracting vs city forces. DPW Hammer responded in favor of the project and advised of the consequences of contracting in the Tax Increment District and the affect it will have on the Street Department operations and personnel. If Tax Increment Funding would allow an additional $180,000 to fund contracting, he would be in favor. DPW Hammer explained the Street Department no longer receives $180,000 in the General Fund for regular street operational costs. If Tax Increment is taken away, which replaced the General Fund money, the Street Department will be unable to operate. C. Gunnerson expressed concern of deciding at this time when the budget for 1989-90 is not prepared. Const. Inspector Van Dyke stated the decision should be made at this time to obtain proposals for engineering. out for RFPs for the design of 6th St. W. from 6th Allev W. to t Ave. W O'NEIL PROPERTY C. Hopkins stated the Community Development Committee in their meeting agreed to recommend to the Council to purchase three of four O'Neil lots to develop into parking and questioned if the Public Works Staff has the expertise and time to design the parking lot. Surveyor Zavodny responded the staff has expertise but timing would be difficult if design for South Meridian is in process. LOTH AVE. WEST C. Hopkins questioned if blading loth Ave. W. and placing crushed asphalt and oil is a possible solution to temporarily solve the problem with the street adjacent to the house owned by Norm Root. DPW Hammer responded yes and he will inform Mr. Root of the temporary solution. MAINTENANCE C. Hopkins questioned if anything is prepared to present to Council in regard to maintenance. DPW Hammer responded as the priorities are being set he will prepare a schedule. AIR QUALITY Mayor Kennedy stated for informational purposes, the Air Quality Committee has prepared guidelines for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance that restricts sanding material that the state can use in the City of Kalispell to washed gravel. Mayor Kennedy reported that on April 22, 1989, Main Street, lst Ave. East and West will be cleaned using fire hoses and hydrants. Firemen and the Uptown Merchants Association have volunteered to assist. Prior to this the Highway department will sweep Main Street. April 12, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES Page 3 Street Supt. Brady informed alley clean up is being conducted during the month of April. C. Hopkins advised upcoming agenda items include capital equipment purchases and • assessments for Special Street Maintenance. Adjourned: 9:35 A.M. ss • • 1989 STREET RFCONSTRUIIjN F .).Nl INS ENDING J�1 %,, f Tf-X I�CRE|`ENT DISTRlCT Fun�ivy 430�4�-Z aint^ �eaair/ing 1�0-Jularies � 3�'�ib ��4-�ardscapicg'Trees 1�,734 400 M�terials ��`��9 total ,f Tax Increment F^nds Av�ilable �129,���0 Less Prp�oseJ Tax Increment S�reets -94,333 Funds Available for other activities OUTSIDE TAX lNCRFVIENT D.1STRICT Gas T�x tas� on Hanc � 41,122 nticipaied Ce,/enue total cash available 71,�22 Speci�l ��reet �aintenanc� Casi` cn Hand � ?7,4CC Total Cash L le Ok, Iisi4E`�3� Less �rupose� an� Committed Str�e�s -54,�62 �ess Cash fur SU Kalispell Pro�sct -4�,00V R�maining Cash Enging �u��e 30, �9B� 16,068 S�LAi IES HA;E NOT 9O S1 CO�5IDERE� Salarics far Street ��rsonne� � 46,+�7 1989 STREET RECONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Tax Inrrement District Weet Ureet Blpck% Location Storm Water 54h St. E \.0 Main t: 1st Ave $8,066 5th St. W 1.0 Main to is, Ave U 1 8,80e., 6th St. E 1.3 1st Ave E to End Ave w Wow $ 9,L34 s 7,419 3rd St. E l.0 Main to in; Avs E 010,434 0 8,30'. 3rd Are E 2.0 1st St. F to 3rJ SL. Z $25,45? v19,q34 6th St. W 4.5 6th Alley W to 1ct Ave H $53`E49 WPM,'` tnW 10.5 $4,000 $99,57S sR4,n33 Oregon SC 1.0 S. Meridian 9.0 palispell 17`0 total 29.0 Uutsioe Tax lncremeot Area Main Zo 5th Ave E,N. E. Center to Fpys bridge $ ? TqD,GO0 s30woO uSp,3n2 SxMMARY OF STREET RECONSTRUCTION & mAINTENANCE PRJORAN Optionsg 1^1 Publ5c Works Department ncgins proGram as pctiined abrve- a.) l0.5 Blocvs cT Streets will be reconstructed in Tax Incrament� n.) Oregon Street will he pavad and complete.. c.) S. Meridian Road woulo be ccmplateu in 19M. d.} Salarims for wtraet Personnel ($46,//69) would he paiu from Tax Increment from Funds Availonle for ether activitios (145,307). e.) Funds would no o:c"muered for 5H Kalispell Project. f.) Each balance for Ras Tax beginning July 1` 089 wouid hc 036,062, with an additional $15,306 per muntk for next l2 wooths. g.) At end of August 1989, cash for maintenance ou�kside tav incrnment district would be available for mainteranca (s46.&60)� h^) For those streets beyond mainieoance, rscyc'Td as&Olt would M. used with the concept that the, would be reconstrucCud in Spring of i990. i.) Assuming 1220`000 for Strccis in Tax Tr.cremeni wouid be nudyetcd, that money woold again be ,sea in SprLog 1090 to and Juno 30 1990. It could ue used for Reconstruction jr Muintsoanre, ar paving alleys. � oil� .> Contract out all work within Tax increment Dist/1.7t and 8ir"e1 Department performs work outside Ta: lncrsmunt Distrnzt' a.) Approximately 4 blocks could ue recans�ructed 6"> Total Cash Availanlo Ociside Tax hncrewent Cistrict 0148,9S'o Less Oregon - M00o Less S. Meridian - 63,3n2 Less SW Kalispell PrsjecIt 42,00() Luss Street Department Salaries -M,469 ********Street Departwent will ne in deficit by June 30, 1939 -130,401 c.> Oregon and AN KalLspcll in already cuocitted. City couid constrUch \.5 blocks or S. Meridian this suo*er and cocPlcta other 4.5 blocks in summe; of 1990 d.� Lay off 4 Street Department �nployaco to �ave sal./rles would cnly reduce salarie4 sy 123,000. St 11 o?.000 *hort� e.) Do not recnnstr,ct S. Meridian Rd. and have 033/000 to Perform maintenance outsiue tax incremunt district. f.> D^ not encu.xber $48,000 for SW Kalispell Prujeci by luxe 10, 1989 and have $18,000 available fur mai:tenanca and cuwpleLe S. Meridian Rd. Mowe;er, Vis would short Etr±M Dedartment $48,000 in next fisical buAget year, QM-Mm' 3.) Any comnination of #2 above uhi�k bolancas tu"dixg. ^) Assuming ��2;,S0S OwStreets in Tawlncre/renL wjulJ b� budgeted, ��� that money co��g be used n`w Reconstruction, Mi:tcnancw, baneral ConirLctprs, or anv conbiratiun. *a�ovnr, if 10 3s zsej Vu/ Gener0 CcnCr6ctars` the City will oqa%n an io Cho sa:/e posikon in Chu KpriM of 1000 as w, a-s xmv!!!!'!!!