Resolution 768 - SID 177RESOLTUTION PTO. 768. RESOLUTION CREWMG SPECIAL 7UPROVI'7111EITT DISTRICT ITO. 177. BE IT RESOLVEM, 'by the City Council of the City Of Kalispell, TCLontana- Section 1. That Special Improvement District iVo. 177 is hereby cr- eated for the purpose of gradin.-I and gravel,i nr , constructinp- parkin{, stri- ps and planting trees, and construct ing, curb along the parkinc; strips on second avenue wee3-b between ninth and tentstrept.j. Section 2. That said district is created subject to all tile, terms and conditions specifieel in r�e,,-,o]_ution No. 765, entitled "Resolution of. Tntention to create Specsial iyqpro,�Tement f)istriot No. 17il: adopted June 1,1th, 1920, to which reference is Xaereby i,,,iade for furt"Ier purticulars. Passed July 12t-'a 1120. Approved July 12t",I, 1920. R. Pauline, kayos. J. 11. Clhris4ensen, City Clerk,