01-25-89 Public Works Comm MinutesJanuary 25, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS/AIR QUALITY 8:00 A.M. COMMITTEE MINUTES Attendance: Chairman Hopkins, Councilwoman Hafferman. Others Present: Mayor Kennedy, Councilman Furlong, DPW Hammer, Surveyor Zavodny, • Chuck Mercord, First Federal Savings, Bruce Lutz, Architects Design Group, Rick Hull, Daily Interlake, Bob Raisch, Air Quality Bureau, Ed Michalewicz and Joe Russell, County Health Department. VALLEY BANK - FIRST FEDERAL - PARKING LOT Surveyor Zavodny presented the Committee with a site plan of the proposed parking lot for Valley Bank and First Federal Savings, which has been reviewed and commented on by the Public Works Staff. A meeting was also held with Public Works, representatives of both banks, and Architects Design Group. The Public Works Staff recommends the Public Works Committee recommend to City Council curb cuts as illustrated on the approved site plan be granted. There will be two new curb cuts, one existing curb cut eliminated, and one existing curb cut improved. The westerly most entrance shall be constructed and signed such that traffic is forced to make a right hand turn to avoid vehicle stacking at the intersection. Sidewalk and curbing installation or replacement is to be coordinated with the Public Works Dept. at the time of construction. DPW Hammer stated the parking lot will generally be open to the general public. In addition, there will be decorative street lights installed. Discussion of this will be between Public Works, owners, and Architects Design Group as to placement of the lights. C. Furlong questioned if studies have addressed the impact of traffic on 2nd St. W. Mr. Mercord stated the parking lot was configured to be one way to limit circulation with one ingress and one egress. There are three alternative exits and entrances. C. Hafferman questioned if this is to be metered. Mr. Mercord responded no, the existing plans are for public use if use can be controlled. C. Furlong questioned if access has been limited from 1st Alley W. Mr. Lutz responded yes, the reason to not rely on the alley for access is due to Woolworth's delivery trucks blocking the alley at times of delivery. C. Furlong questioned if the antique street lights will be part of the lighting district. Mr. Mercord stated of the lights two will be on private property, the remainder will be in the special lighting district. Mayor Kennedy questioned if decorative lights will provide adequate lighting. Surveyor Zavodny responded the area is relatively well lit with other street lights. DPW Hammer responded there is enough lighting in the alley to light the parking lot. C. Hopkins questioned how the banks are planning to control parking. Mr. Mercord responded the lot will be monitored, owners of the vehicles in violation will receive written notification, and, if this fails, the vehicle may be towed. C. Hopkins questioned DPW Hammer if Council action is required at this time regarding curbing and sidewalks. DPW Hammer responded bank representatives have agreed if curbs, gutters, and sidewalks require replacement, they would be replaced. If any concerns arise they will be brought before Committee. recommended the Committee move to recommend to Citv Council the creation of so moved. C. Hopkins seconded. With no opposition, the motion carried in Mr. Mercord and Mr. Lutz then excused themselves from the meeting. January 25, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS/AIR QUALITY Page 2 COMMITTEE MINUTES AIR QUALITY Mr. Raisch, representing the Air Quality Bureau, stated the history of the air quality study as it relates to Kalispell as well as defining Kalispell's 1986 • violations to EPA standards on air quality. He stated the Advisory Committee has continued to work on the issues. He presented interested Committee members with copies of the most recent results to tests on air quality standards. The tests were conducted at two different sites, one at Peterson School and one in the downtown area. The results indicate reintrained road dust as the predominant source impacting the sampler in Kalispell, unpaved parking lots and alleys are contributing factors. The second source is wood burning. The third source is tail pipe emissions from cars. Mr. Raisch explained Kalispell has not exceeded the standards since 1986. The readings have gone down partly due to the City's changing of sanding materials. At this point a plan with enforceability has to be submitted to EPA for approval. He requested guidance from the Committee for the Air Quality Advisory Committee to continue to work on the problem and draft proposed ordinances to address the problem. The City may want to address an ordinance for sanding material to comply with certain specifications. Mayor Kennedy questioned DPW Hammer if the City has any control over the Highway Dept. in regard to Main Street sanding. DPW Hammer responded no. Mayor Kennedy questioned if the Highway Dept. has to abide by City Ordinances. Mr. Raisch stated he did not know. He has talked to the head of the Maintenance Dept. with State Highways and was informed the state will abide by whatever decision the communities have for solution. Mayor Kennedy stated this is an enforceability question. Mr. Raisch listed other possible options for solutions, i.e., permit system for demolition and construction requiring dust abatement. It has to be a reasonable approach. C. Hopkins stated one suggestion offered has been for the City to contract with the state to conduct sanding operations on Hwy 93 and Hwy 2 within the City limits. He questioned Mr. Raisch if discussion has taken place to this affect. Mr. Raisch responded no, but believes this to be a very good idea. Missoula has this type of agreement. He stated he would be glad to approach the State Highway Dept. and discuss this for Kalispell. Mayor Kennedy stated the City would also include snow removal. DPW Hammer stated the agreement would be a comprehensive maintenance agreement. Mr. Raisch will meet with DPW Hammer and then approach the Highway Dept. Mr. Raisch informed the Committee the Advisory Committee has decided to use the media in an effort to obtain voluntary compliance for wood burning. This would entail using media sources to inform residents of the concentration levels of wood burning. Although this would not be mandatory, a recommendation would be made for curtailing of wood burning. Mayor Kennedy questioned if the state has set control for any type of wood burning stoves in homes. Mr. Raisch responded the state is not involved. The federal government has issued requirements on a manufacturer's level as of July 1988. As of July 1989 the requirements will affect the retailer's level. C. Hopkins questioned the penalties of non compliance. Mr. Raisch responded failure to develop a plan to control air pollution or implement the plan within three years may result in EPA withholding grant funding, placing construction bans over industrial construction in the area, or developing a plan themselves. • C. Hopkins questioned DPW Hammer if the City has any type of demolition permit system. DPW Hammer responded the City should but does not have any control over demolition. January 25, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS/AIR QUALITY COMMITTEE MINUTES Page 3 Surveyor Zavodny stated in regard to control the 1986 readings were due to several buildings being sandblasted on Main Street. This happens on weekends without control •by the City of Kalispell. He questioned if City taxpayers are paying the price of air quality for three buildings being sandblasted in the downtown area. Mr. Russell responded sandblasting can be controlled. Sandblasting happens every year and is not considered an exceptional event. Research of the dates of Kalispell's violations drew no conclusions as to the causes. Surveyor Zavodny stated any ordinances should also include penalties. He questioned if grant money can be obtained to further compliance. Mr. Raisch responded no. City Council. There were no objections. Adjourned: 9:00 A.M. as