Resolution 786 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 10RESOLUTION 170. 786. A Resolution estim,-wting the cost of lighting Special Jik-1-hting district number Ten of the City of rmli.speal, for the year 1920, and levying and assessing all. the property within the said dsitrict with the cost of ligl-it- ing saiC7, district. BE IT I LEI VED Dy �lr CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY MR, E I SPELL Section 1. Tile cost of Li[;htin,- I)iztr*E,ct Number Ten of the City of 'a-alispell for the year 1920 is estimated to be $263.17. Section 2. A tax iq hereby 1e7,ried and assessed upon a.11 the property in t,,-.Le said district for the apioi�nt of the ti -t co 1 11 I e�-, pl�,L 00, cost of i L, t- ink, t1te streets therein by apportioning to the several lots and, parcels of land within th.e 3,jid t.Ilictric-t. (Reference is hereby vziade to tfie orit-,-;inal Resolution on file and of record in the office of the City clerk for a specific description of the property in t1le, above T,,-ient-ione6 (Ustrict.) Suction 3, The taa, hereby 1,(..,,vied beCOT,'100 delinquent at six o'clock P.T,,,?. on the 30t1a drty of 'Nov crib er !920. Section 4. Reference is hereby made to 'Resolution of Intention too cre,ate -bighting Distric,,,,t Nux,,iber Ten for further particujl�rs. Introd.uced Sept. 27th 1920 z3,ri(j set for hm-aring Oct. 4th, 1920 at 7 ; 30 P AT . Attest: J. H. Chri,,3ten,,sen, 11. Iauline, ri.ayor. City Clerk. Adopted this the 4tjj dray of Oct. 192O® Approved this the 4th. day of 0(�,t. 11020. Attest: J. "I. C-hrisf(ai-wen, City Clerk. R. Pauline, Mayor.