Resolution 787 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 12M REi50LUTION '40. 787. A Resolution tiri,,tinthe scot of li4-atintSpecial J,ightine, District nulaber Twelve of the City of r,,,_j1ispPll, for the year 1920, end levying and assessing all the property within the said district with the cost of lighting 0aid district. BE IT RESOTV.M BY TFUE CITY COTMCIL 01? Tlfj?, CITY OF KALI SPItILL: Section 1. The cost of IiLditinC,, District Number Twelve of the City of 15_alispeli for tine year 1920 is estinlated to be :i429.00. Section 2. A tax is here�,y levied and w-isessed upon all Urle prop- erty in the 8aid lighting district for the �joujjt of the estiriateu. colat of lirdi,ting the streets therein by apportioning to the several lots and par- cels of land within the said district. (Roference is, 1iwreby mzade to the orizinal 1iesolution on file and of record ill -tile office of the, City Clerk for a specific de cripti.oss of the property above mentioned.) Section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent ,,t six oclocic P.M. on tile 30th de,,y of November 1920. Section 4, Reference is hereby lqcsde to iiesollltion 0 f Intention to creatv LightinDistrict Number Twelve fOr further _PJrtiCujlrS. Introduced. Sept. 27th 1920 and set for hearing Oct. 4tn 1920. at 7-30 otclock P.m. Attest, JT'. H. Christensen, R. 1"E'%uline, 1,1"ayor. City cleric, Adopted this the 4th day of Oct. 1920. Approved this the 4th (tay of oct. 1J1?C® Attest. J. H. Christenson, City Clerk,. 11. Pw.11ine, TTlayor.