08-14-87 Public Works Comm MinutesPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AUGUST 14, 1987 The committee met at 4:00 P.M. in the Conference Room, in attendance were Chairman Ruiz, Committee Mernber Robinson, 1'ayor Kennedy, DPW Director Haniter, Dick Brady, Street Superintendent and Ben Van Dyke, Construction Inspector. Bids were reviewed for the storage building at the City Shop area, there was much discussion. The bidders were Wiggin Construction, Greg Bain & Company, Swank Enterprises and Northwest Building System. After discussing several alternatives, Councilman Robinson moved, Councilman Ruiz seconded and the committee agreed to recommend to the Council to accept the bid of Northwest Building Systems in the amount of $55,126.00. DPW Hammer presented the subject of the new fuel system for the shop area. He outlined the plan to move the fence to make the pumps accessible without having to go through the gates. It would be a two card system. It was approved by the committee to go ahead with the system as long as things ran under the $10,000 limit If it amounts to more than $10,000, it will have to go out on bids. DPW Harmer brought up the question of the 12 yard dump truck. $50,000.00 was approved in the Capital Outlay Budget. Hamner asked that the committee approve going out on bids for this dump truck. The truck should pay for itself very rapidly as vie are now renting trucks for $40 an hour. The • committee recommended going out for bids for the dump truck. Hammer discussed the copy machine, $5,000 was approved in the budget for the purchase of one. They have tried several machines and the one they have in there presently as a trial seems to be the one they prefer. The one they like is about $4,400. The committee approves going ahead with the copy machine. DPW Hammer discussed the purchase of of a vehicle which has been budgeted for this year. He informs us that he has been looking at used vehicles to stay under the $8,000 figure. The committee OK'd for him to go ahead and shop around. Hammer discussed the new CRF material that we will be using to maintain some of our streets. This will be a seal coating operation using sand and the new CRF material. The material is roughly 6 tunes cheaper than chip sealing. It is not dusty like chip sealing is, the cost is approximately $200 per block. We will be trying that next Wednesday for the first time on South Woodland from the city limits to Woodland Avenue. The secretary hired for the Public Works Department is Susan Steinberg, all applicants were scored and she came out on top. Ken Hammer and Fred Zavodny did the interviews. DPW Hammer brought up the problem with the boiler inspector. There are four boilers in the city of Kalispell and it is required by law that we have a boiler inspector with a boiler's license. State inspectors have alerted us we do not have a legal boiler inspector in the City of Kalispell and we must _, _ 4a do so. Harmier will send two people to Missoula to go to the boiler school to get this license. Evidentally the Hockaday Center, Chamber of Commerce and several other places in the city have boilers and we must do this or they will shut down those buildings. There was some discussion about whether we should net a boiler inspector on staff or should contract with someone else, such as the School District or the college or somebody that does have a boiler's license. The coriittee decided it may be better to get someone on staff to get certified as a boiler inspector. DPW Hammer and Vayor Kennedy will check this out. The most logical place since we have a boiler treatment plant will be for one of those individuals down there to have a boiler inspector license. The meeting was adjourned. Ed Kennedy EK/ms 0