02-25-87 Public Works Comm Minutes• r1 February 25, 1987 PUBLIC WORKS/FINANCE COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M. Chairmen Ruiz and Palmer and Councilmen Schindler, Hafferman, Nystul and ` Mannin in attendance. DPW Hammer, Sewer and Water Superintendent Hyde, Surveyor Zavodny, Clerk Halver, Ross Plambeck, Ryan Heinz and Roger Hopkins of the Daily 14tter Lake also present. LIABILITY INSURANCE/CONTRACTORS - DPW Hammer explained that according to the City Attorney's memo all contractors must have $1 million dollars worth of liability insurance and in addition must name the City as insured on the policy in order to do work for the City. Several contractors have stated their concern and their problems in obtaining this. DPW Hammer felt that this would cut out all the little contractors doing small jobs in the right-of-way. He asked when they should be informed and when this should be enforced. C. Palmer stated that the policy was in effect so this must also be in effect immediately. Surveyor Zavodny pointed out that the City Attorney states in his memo that these requirements are not included in the policy. C. Nystul said they were an underwriter requirement. Clerk Halver reported that the issue had been discussed with the representative of the insurance company but that it had not, ended up in the policy. He also felt._ that it was meant only for contractors who had contracts with the City not everyone working in the ROW. C. Palmer asked that the Public Works Depart- ment write down all it's questions and that Clerk Halver call the insurance company and ask for clarification over the phone as well as in writing first thing in the morning. PARKING COMMISSION REQUEST FOR SIGN ON UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC BUILDING - DPW Hammer reported that the Commission had requested permission to hang a sign on this building which would state that lease spaces were available. Building Official Jackson has researched this and the City is co-owner of the wall and therefore permission must be granted by the Council. C. Palmer asked about the Co -Rental sign that is presently on the building and was told that the Building Official had written a letter telling them to remove it or it would be turned over to the City Attorney. Co -Rental did not remove the sign, it was turned over to the City Attorney and that is where it is. C. Palmer also asked DPW Hammer to research the possibility of a quit -claim deed giving the City portion of the wall back to the owner so that the City is not responsible. STREET RECONSTRUCTION - DPW Hammer presented a Public Works worksheet listing the proposed streets for reconstruction during the .coming season. At this point the street selection is the most important point, the figures are general and for bid purposes only. The Public Works Department would like to be able to go out for bids for materials. C. Schindler asked if any of the street widths listed represented widening of the present streets. DPW Hammer said that E. Montana would be widened to match W. Montana and that the first block of loth Street, which presently is not defined by curbs, would be widened from 30' to 34'. All the rest will be the same width as they are presently.- C. Ruiz asked why the list showed reconstruction of Montana Street stopping at 2nd Avenue instead of going clear to B&B. DPW Hammer explained that when a developer comes in there could be major changes and possibly even abandonment of a portion of the street, so it would be foolish to put money into at this point. On the second sheet, which listed Street Department funding C. Ruiz reminded the Committee that funds for IOth Street were from the bond proceeds, and questioned the funding for Kinshella and Husky (see below). After the discussion concerning Kinshella and Husky a PUBLIC WORKS/FINANCE COMMITTEE February 25, 1987 Page 2 C. Ruiz stated that the Council should approve the letting of bids for asphalt, gravel and curk and sidewalks. C. Palmer reminded the committee of the Mayor's memo concerning reconstruction vs. maintenance. DPW Hammer responded that the Public Works Department is planning to do both reconstruction and maintenance, but there is a lack of equipment to do certain types of maintenance. C. Palmer moved to 1) call for bids, and 2) settle the question of maintenance vs. reconstruction before awarding of any bids. The Committee approved that plan and bids will be called for at the March 2 Council meeting. C. Nystul asked that the time periods be clarified in the bids so that there is no question. DPW Hammer responded that Attorney Neier approves all bids and the Public Works Department thought they were clear, but will attempt to make them tighter. C. Manning asked about the status of the gravel pit. Is the City still using it? DPW Hammer stated that the grant request was turned down because of excess gravel, so it becomes a budget problem to find funds to level it out. - - --r KINSHELLA AND HUSKY STREETS CONSTRUCTION - DPW Hammer stated that the Post Office has offered financial assistance for this project, but that the amount will probably fall short of the actual costs by $8,000 - $10,000. The question of an SID was raised. Ryan Heinz shared that the Mall has over $60,000 invested in a street they haven't yet been able to use. The City promised to finish the street under the last mayor and council. He feels frustrated because the Mall tried to initiate an SID and the Council said no - and then when Council decided to do it the timing was too late because it had already been sold to the Post Office. He stated that if it was necessary to become the squeeky wheel in order to get the job done, they would do that. C. Nystul said that the first request for an SID was made after the work had been done, and was therefore illegal. After discussion of what work remained yet to be done and efforts that had been made in the past DPW Hammer stated that he felt the Mall had been put in a bad spot and that the City should use the funds from the Post Office for curbing and improvements, and any additional funding needed should be taken from street reconstruction funds. C. Ruiz asked about Meridian Road access being made a condition of the funding from the Post Office. DPW Hammer said that was a rumor, but was not in writing from the Post Office. C. Nystul felt that the City should finish Kinshella (Highway 2 - Two Mile Drive) but leave Husky as a leverage with the Post Office. C. Schindler stated that we should do Kinshella regardless of whether there were funds from the Post Office, and C. Ruiz agreed. S/W Supt. Hyde said he had looked at the storm drainage plans for the area and that the master plan calls for larger pipe than what is there, but that across Hwy. 2 the line feeds into a 30' main, so the City may want to use the existing pipe to it's fullest extent and when the need arises add another line by the theater. There is a problem with the storm drain being • too shallow, and this will have to be addressed with the Post Office. - DPW Hammer said anticipated timing on the work on Kinshella is as soon as the frost leaves. It will be coordinated with work on loth Street. Y PUBLIC WORKS/ FINANCE COMMITTEE Febr.:ary 25, 1997 Page 3 NORF;EST BANK/2ND STREET EAST - DPW Hammer shared a letter he had written to Steve Olsoniof Norwest Bank describing the responsibilities of both the bank and the City. He gave a brief history of the problem, shared the content of discussions with C. Saverud and meetings with bank representatives, and suggested solutions. He requested appr.ovalfor the use of tax increment funds for the City's portion of this work. C. Schindler asked why the bank was not paving for the curbs: because the problem is from the City street and the curbs would not have to be replaced during normal reconstruction, and the policy is that if curbs are present and not in such bad repair as to need replacement the City pays for them if torn up during reconstruction. The vault under the sidewalk in front of the theater was discussed. DPW Hammer said the theater has no water problem at this point and has a lot of mechanical equipment in that area. The sidewalk is structurally safe and he cannot see expecting a business to come up with $40 - $50,000 to fix something that does not need it. The sidewalk on the north side of 2nd Street is in deplorable condition and Surveyor- Zavodny said it would be only half a job if that sidewalk was not replaced. The City-wil`l_pay for the curb's-- but the consensus was that the sidewalk would be ordered in and paid for by the adjacent owners - School District #5 and Norwest Bank. The City will work with the bank so as to distrub the theater for as short a time as possible. C. Palmer suggested that they take the Public Works Director's recommendation and the Committee agreed. ajg w