Resolution 773 - SID 180R23SOLUTION NO. 773. FMISOLTUTION CR'1+;,ATTITG SPT ,CTAL 111,1D11OVITIT? UTT DISTRICT no. 160. BE IT RESOLTEM BY CITY COMMIL OF TH14 CITY OF KALTSPEILL, 11ONTANA. Section 1. That Special Improvement District Nv. 1,80 is hereby created for the purpo.,,;e Of constructins; a sanitary sewer wit!-� Y,,Ian-holes lamp holes, flush tanks and other appurtenances in the alley in :Block 28, commencing at the Railroad of way and connectinL�, Wit"a the sewer in the center of viontana Street. Section 2. That said district is created subjc:ct to all the texms and conditions specified. in -Liesolution No. 771 entitled, "Resolution of Intention to create Special Improve7rient "District No. 16(),, do e , pt d August 3rd, 1920, to which, reference is hereby T,,iade for 'Curt-fler partin- ualrr,. Pl'ssed Sept. 1.51U11, 19410. Approved. Sept. 15th, 1920. R. Pauline, Mlayor, J. H. Chriotonsen, City Clark.