02-04-86 Public Works Comm MinutesW
February 4, 1986
3:00 P.M.
Chairman Ruiz and Committee members Palmer and Schindler, with C. Hafferman
arriving later, were in attendance. Mayor Kennedy, DPW HAmmer, Surveyor Zavodny,
Clerk Halver and Roger Hopkins of the ➢aily Inter Lake also present. -
memo from the Public Works Department concerning the Street and Garbage Department
funds. The Committee took time to read the memo and discussion followed.
DPW Hammer explained that Street Department funds were short because the two
west side garbage crew not needed when the sidearm loader was implemented'
were transfered to the Street Department and were being paid from Street Depart-
ment funds even though those two salaries had not been budgeted for in the
Street Department. C. Ruiz commented that the City must lay off enough employees
to save $33,000. C. Palmer asked if there were any other resources available
or if these people were working productively could they be used elsewhere.
DPW Hammer explained that the problem was to maintain the salaries without
registering warrants to do so. Clerk Halver asked why he felt it necessary
to operate on a cash basis, and DPW Hammer replied that it was just good practice.
Clerk Halver responded that in order to do that they would need a huge levy
and operating maintenance fund.
DPW Hammer went on to explain that the original intention of the sidearm
loader was to lower costs, and eventually the garbage assessment, and the
City would be hard pressed to raise the assessment. C. Ruiz said they should
cut back street work to stay within the budget. The Gas Tax Fund was discussed:
revenue, budgeting, hold over from 1984-85, the fact that the assessment didn't
generate the predicted revenue ($30-40,000 short), Council decreasing the
levy from .0024 to .0023, and questions about verification of the 1984-85
figures before budgeting for 1985-86. Clerk Halver is to check to see what
the revenue was in 1984-85. If it was correct in 1984 it should be right
in 1985-86. If not the County is shorting us somewhere. The Committee would
like a reason for the deficit..
DPW Hammer expalined that in the Special Maintenance Fund if the City
continues as they are at present they will be over budget. 70% of the salaries
have been expended (should be 587). This would be over budget regardless
of the shortfall of receipts. He said they could stay in the budget, but
they would go in the hole.
The present hit and miss policy of who decides what fund to take from
needs to be resolved and settled. Clerk Halver felt that someone other than
Landa should decide which fund should be charged when. DPW Hammer stated
that it was an administrative/accounting decision, but did suggest that 1/12
from each account monthly would help. Clerk Halver asked that DPW designate
which account personnel are working under. C. Ruiz asked that Clerk Haver
check on 1984 special assessments to see if receipts were down, and stay with
the projected budget.
DPW Hammer expalined that the Gas Tax is okay. There is $67,000 until
June 30.
C. Ruiz asked if there was any Mall work done that was paid for out of
regular accounts rather than Tax Increment. DPW Hammer felt that only some
work by a crew of 6 on 4th Avenue West North could be charged back to Tax
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DPW Hammer stated that according to the 1984 memo the bottom line was
that there were two extra men. C. Schindler said the Council had wanted to
lay them off but Mayor McDowell didn't want to. C. Ruiz pointed out that
the budget had been set with no layoffs planned for. Clerk Halver said the
Garbage budget had been set less than was spent the previous year..
Mayor Kennedy asked about trucks not in use that might be sold. DPW
Hammer indicated there were two and that the City must go out on public auction
to sell them. This is usually done in April but could be done before.
C. Palmer stated that the Committee had several options:
Garbage: Operate into a deficit
Register warrants
Give adequate notice and lay off extra employees
Go City wide with the sidearm loader
Street: Have overspent for various reasonsNow also paying 2 garbage employees(have in essence already
laid off from garbage)
Operate in a deficit
Hope attrition levels out
Do maintenance only this next year and use funds for labor
and maintenance, not construction ($110,000 for materials
only for 22 blocks this year)
DPW Hammer pointed out that the City is committed to completions and
the list of streets they should do this year is 27 blocks. He reminded the
Committee that in order to keep up with schedule the City must do 30 blocks
a year of maintenance and reconstruction. C. Palmer indicated that a City-wide
SID was needed. He stated the choices again: Layoffs, don't maintain streets,
or find additional revenue. C. Palmer went on to say that in 1984-85 $53,000
went to the Police Department because they were in a bind - and it came from
funds for materials for the Street Department. Lack of funds makes a cripple
of the Street Department. He stated that it was time to get the Street Department
the funds needed to do the job. He then went on to explain the new county
policy and gave the history of our reconstruction program beginning with just
reconstruction and then the addition of water and sewer replacement. Doing
all of this takes longer and created a need for some bid letting but the streets
will not need anything for another 20 years. The Water Department has a budget
to fit it's needs, the Street Department doesn't. The taxpayer wants capital -
improvements for his tax dollars, and yet this is the first area that gets
cut. In Fire and Police the City does what is necessary to maintain liability,
the Street Department should be the same.
C. Schindler said he couldn't see running on a deficit. Clerk Halver
said garbage salaries are 7% over budget now (sick and vacation), and that
the budget had been for 5, not 6. He asked why salary costs were not down
in Garbage since the sidearm loader was now in operation. DPW Hammer explained
that for several weeks both the old trucks and the sidearm loader were working
during the transition, and with alley cleanup crews paid out of garbage it
wouldn't show until November.
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It was suggested that $18,000 could be saved by laying off two street
employees. C. Schindler suggested not hiring the Street Superintendent until
the next budget year ($2,000/month x 4 = $8,000), while not giving the foreman
the same responsibilities so as to avoid the union problem that was experienced
with Steve Cox. C. Ruiz asked why not lay off 3 and save $27,000. C. Ruiz
asked DPW Hammer to prepare a recommendation for the Council Workshop for
cutting back three employees, perhaps on a standby basis in case of sickness,
and that they would play the Street Superintendent's position by ear.
DPW Hammer mentioned the additional problem in Special Maintenance short
fall. The Council feeling is that they don't want to register warrants. Clerk
Halver stated that the budget assumed registering warrants. The total on
hand in Special Street Maintenance is $54,741 as of January 31. By June there
will be $21,000 left to cover salaries from July thru December, and to cover
materials from now until December. It won't make it.
Mayor Kennedy pointed out that if we are going to proceed to the east
side we need to start ordering containers. Discussion indicated that the
City MUST lay off employees or it would be in the same position as before the Council let it float and didn't make a concrete decision because the Mayor
didn't want to lay off. Lease option on containers was questioned but Clerk
Halver pointed out that registered warrants are at 6% while a lease option
is 7j%. The Committee was in favor of registering warrants for purchasing
the containers for the east side.