Resolution 779 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 219190LUTION NO. 779-
A Resolution the cost of lighting Special Li��Viting Di.,3t-
rict number, Two of the City of Yalispei]., for the year 1920, and levyin€,;
a e s--�,id district witt, the cost of
and ussessiiie ,� all the property within t.
lightin6 said district.
Section 1. The cost of liLlhtinG District 31,Tton"0 er Two of
the City of mli,,,pell for the year 1920 is estimoted to be
Section A taac is hereby levied and a--;ses,�ed upon E411 the -,,)rop-
erty in the said li-ghtinC, district for the nziount of the estiniated coot
of the streets therein by apportioning to the. several lots a d
parcels of land within tne said district.
(Reference is ',.,(,,-c,eby ua,,�tde to the criginal R000liition on file and o f
record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific description of the
,Property above mentioned.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied becorioa delinqtient at six o'clock
on the '50th day of Novenber, 1920,
Section 4. Reference is h(,-reby made to 1�esolution of Intention to
create Lig�titing District E-unber Two for further partiolilars.
Introduced Sept. 27th, 1920, vmd set for hearinf,, Oct. 4tX1, 1920 at
7:30 o'clock 11.1J.
R. Pauline, T.,,,ayor.
Attest J. H. C'nristensen, City, Cler.k.
Adopted this the 4th d,,,y of Oct.
Approved th-J--, the 4th d;.,y of Uctober 1920.
Attest: J, 11. Christej-ioen, City Clerk. R. Pauline, Ll"'L'Yor.