Resolution 780 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 4I-INSOLUTION NO, 780. A R(,asolution estimatinthe cost of llghti= Special Lighting Di.,- trict nwiber .1!'our of the city of z),alispell, for the year 1920, and levy- inp ,� and assessing all. the property wit),iin the said district with the cost of liShting sodd dir�trict. 13,E T'i RE'SOLV'."1 "PY TH-El CITY COUNCIL 01' TIED,' CITY OF KALISPELL: Section 1. The cost of lighting Lighting number Four of the City of Kalispell for the ye,,ir 1920 is estimated to be 461,16, Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the prop- erty in the said IiLhtinw, district for the amount Of the eztimated cost of Ii,,,ating the streets t-nereint by appor.tioning to the several lots and Percels of lmid i.,,,iti-Lin the sudd district as: (Reference is hereby rode to the OriLjrlal Resolaztion an file and of record in tkae office of the City Clerk for a more 4ecific description of the property above montioned.) Section 3. The tax _Ixc-reby levied becomes delinqiiont at six o'clo,:,k PX. on the 30th dy of ziover,­,ber 1920, Section 4 . Eeferenoe is hereby made to iiesolution of Intentiori to create _i)istrict I DIimber J�'oiir for i'urtaer a c P r t i u i ar s Introduced Dept. 27t'a. 1920, and got for 17earin6r Oct . 4th, 1920. at 7-30 o'clock P.TY. Attest: J. PE. C'aristenqc­n, City Glerk. R. Pau.1ine, I.Tayor. Adopted tiiis the 4th day of Oct. 1920. Approved thjjs the 4t!i day of Oct. 1.920. Atteot: J. H. Claristemsen, City Clork. R. Pauline, lloyor.