Resolution 781 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 5m RESOLUTION NO, 781. A Resolution estimating the coot Of li4`11tIng, Special Lic-.-,hting Dist- rict number Five of 'the City, of for the year 1920, and levying, and assessing all the property within the said district with the cost of lighting said district. BF TT R-PSOLVI�M BY TIVI CITY COUNCIL OF f217LII, OF la-LI311.1',LL, sec,tiun a— The cost of lichtiliC,-, jj(-,,jjtijjg iiistrict, Number 21.ve of t're City Of Eali4l-lpill for t,e ye,,,,r is estimated to be �'462.00. Section 2 A tax is herebv levied and arqesse'd upor gall, the property I in the soid, district, for ttie arq.ount of the einated cost of lizd)-ting the treets therein by apportioninr,r to tine F,cvere,l '10ts RIK", P,-Lr- celn of land ivithlhe said district: (Reference is 1acreby made, to t-4p oriC,,anal Resolution on L-ile and of lj�erl -cription record, in tl.te office of the City for a riore specific des of the above mentioned di,,;trict,) Section The tax hereby levied becomes delirqiient at six o'clock ?X. on the 30th day of -Novembor 1920. Section 4. Reference is, hereby ma6e to Reso3iition of Intent, -on to create J.Aght,-LnE, nistrict Fl.ve for fiirther particu.1ars. lntroduc,,od Sept, 27t'i und. oet for Oct, 4flh, 19210. cvt 7-30 oclack P.M. - Attest J, H, Chri5tenscn, City Clerk. R. Pauline, TTayor. Adopted this the 4tb (1ay of Oct. 1,920. Approved. t1li�3 Vie 4t1a 0y of Oct. 19'20. Attest. J. ii. chriotemon, city cicrk.