Resolution 782 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 6RTAI,sm'FTTOT,T r!O. 762. A Resoli.ition eitirj,,.jtjyjj?,- the cost of lighting Special Lighting Dis- trict ritu*er Dix of the City of �,tliepolj_, for the year 1920, and Jevy- ing ama,;zes,,Ang all t'ne property within the said district with tile cost of l ithtirt > sjatjo, district. ,H - E, IT 111�,SOLW11) I`Y Tjffi ,, C!ITY COUITUTI, Ox THIE, CITY 0.y KALISPELL: Section l. The cost of ligbtimti. �l Li€:aJititi_­ District Nluriber 13ix of the Uity of Fvilisrpll for 1hae year 1920 is ea3tj_­ma'ecl to be 0462.00. S e c t i o . A tax is 1'ierei)y ievied and assersed upon all. the proper- q, _, t inp, d Jj� , 0 -1 ty in h district for the miount oil' u,,t�_e eotimated coot of lig,!,Aing the streotss therein lb, pportion:L!-il t(') t1le several lots and parcels, of land %Itbin the said district: (Rel"erence is to the crit;,Jnal on fle and of record in the office of trio City clerk for a more specific dGocription of the aT)o-ve mentioned property.) Section 3. The ttix hereby levied. �,lemes alelinq.tiezit at six 01cloch P.11. on the 30th day of Bovember 1020. Section 4. Ileference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention to create Lighting District yumber Six for DuirtDer partioti,la,rs. In"roduced. Sept. 217th, 11J20 and set for hea,ring Oct. 4th, 19�'0, at 7-30 o'clock 11.71K. Attest: J. H. Chri--tensen, Uity Clerk. T1. Pauline, vLayor. AdopteO this the, 4th d.y of Oct. 1920. Approved this t1le 4th (1w,y of Oct. 1950. Attest: J. H. Ciiristensen, City Clerk» R. Pauline, Mayor.