Resolution 783 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 7M
Rf"'SOL"UTIO11 !"Ot-KA!
A Resolution Pstimating the cost of lidhting Special LiQuNiq; district
nucker Seven of the city of xalispell for tlip ye�r .1,920, and levyjn, ,,.nd
assessing all the property within the soid, istriet witli the cost of lit,ht-
ing said district.
Section 1. The cost of MQUing Idghting District 1hunber Sevon of We
City of aiis-
pell for the ye;:ix 1920 is estimated to be '~ 46!,?5.
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and, a.,',,sesced tipon all the proporty
in the said liMAing diArict for the nj,-,iount of the eutbn,j-ted cost of
Boating the streets therein by pporticring to the several lots W porcels
of land within the s,,tid distriot ao:
(Reference is 1wrelby made to the orik;ina,l iiesolution oil. file G.und of
Recird in the offico of UR City ulark for a specif-ic descriptior, of the
property a,bove riontioned.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied delinquent ,,,t six o'clock
P,Yp can the '30th day of 14o-vembcr 1920.
Section 4. kleference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention to
crep,te Lighting District number Seven -"nr -further particalaro.
Introduced this the 27th d,,iy of September 'und. set for he'arinu, on the
4th day of October, 1920, at 7:30 oclook
R. Pauline, iaayor,
Attest, J. H. Ciixiotensen,
City Clerk.
Adopted. this the 4th day of October 1`020.
Approved this the 4th d-i,y of October 1-920,
J. H. Mistensen,
City. Clark.
R. -Pa-uline, vtayor.