Resolution 785 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 9m
A 'Re,,,olution tile co,,-,t of'
ni),r,lber nine of t1le UitY O'� ",`11,ispell- for t-hp, yezl,r wl� 1cwying ana
ws,,, eg oi n&, �.ll the property ,vitilin the said ojztrict with the cost of lie-
ing Said, (11"'triCt.
BE, IT nY,,,,,0LVTMT) 'BY T111il, (',TTY C(,) PELL,
UNCI-L, 0? THE (.'�TTY OV Y-'�Ll' ,,
Section j. The cost of LightirlEs District Number 11irle of the
City of A0,lispell for th.e ye,-),r 1920 i.9 ee,tiTiiated to be
section, 2. A tax is h«,:irelby I-evied a,rO as,.,,euued upon all the p.-roperty
in the said ijghting� district for the amount of tl,)e e,,,,tipjated cost of li,ht-
inC 'portioning to to V e Elrld Pc�,rcls Of'
. tj�je re therein by aportioni p,,k
land Tithin the district'
(Refererloe j,s hereby to tine o3-vit-i.,11 11csolution on file ,U10 of
record in the.• office of th�e Uity uiork for a specific de.'3crlPti011 Of tare
property a'wove mentioned.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied beco--,,e�, J011-TiquElylt Pt sj,y, ocleek
P.15. on the �Oth (1,,zty of NoVoMbel', 1920-
section 4. Re-rerence is hereby 11,L€Ld.e to Resolution of' Intention to
create Ligditing District 111MITibPr 14'ine f'or fu-rt1-er particujars.
Introduced Sept, 27, 3,920, and set fo zea,xisbf Oct. 4t,1,,, 1920,
7:30 o'clock P.71.
Attest. J. H. Christensen, Cit,, Clerk. R. Pauline, Tlayor.
Ad -opted this the 411-h dw,y of Oct. 1920.
Approved this the 4th day of Oct. 1920.
Attest: T. H. Christen,.,,en,
City Clerk.